benawad / graphql-ts-server-boilerplate

A GraphQL server boilerplate made with Typescript, PostgreSQL, and Redis
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How to build, deploy and run complied code? #7

Open Husamui opened 6 years ago

Husamui commented 6 years ago

Hi Ben,

Should we build/transpile the code to es5 and run it on the server for example in docker container? or current ts-node src/index.ts is enough to run it?

benawad commented 6 years ago

You'll want to transpile it to javascript and then run it with node. A docker container would work.

jakelowen commented 6 years ago

@Husamui - it might help to check out his airbnb clone series on youtube using this same server stack. He shows you how to build and deploy. Just today I rewatched those couple vids and was able to successfully deploy to heroku via a slightly different approach: