benawad / vsinder

Dating App for VSCode
Apache License 2.0
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Age range for friendship #172

Closed RazerMoon closed 3 years ago

RazerMoon commented 3 years ago

Title self explanatory. Why?: Maybe someone is 17 and they don't want to match with 8 year old's.

Age range now shows for everybody, works according to this table:

Category Min Min Max Max
Type Min Max Min Max
Age > 18 18 150 18 150
Age < 18 0 18 0 18

I recommend testing this yourself. However, even if somebody somehow bypasses the age range, the API will stop them anyway. Users on the app won't be affected since the default age range is 0 - 100 anyway, and the over 18 check for friendships is still there


unDeadHerbs commented 3 years ago

Why the forced cutoff age of 18 for friendship? That age is both country dependent and for dating. If a cutoff is desirable to protect users, might I suggest the creepiness rule?

RazerMoon commented 3 years ago

@unDeadHerbs I don't really have a personal opinion on the matter, but the code currently in the API is:

Which basically shortens down to: if you are under 18, you can only match with under 18 year old's. If you're 18 or over, you can only match with 18 year old's or older.

I left that line in, since I assume that's what @benawad decided on. My age range checks run after that line, so a person can adjust their preference, however cannot break that fundamental rule.

RazerMoon commented 3 years ago

Gonna have to withhold adding this to the app until #176 is resolved

benawad commented 3 years ago

I don't want to add a age range for friends atm

RazerMoon commented 3 years ago

Alright, I'll close for now and maybe this will get reopened in the future