benb0jangles / FlySky-i6-Mod-

A collection of software modifications for the FlySky i6, some useful, some experiment. All use of this repository is experimental and you use at your own risk. But, progress is being made.
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Subtrim on Aux channels 7-10 & Source code #58

Open krx252525 opened 7 years ago

krx252525 commented 7 years ago

Hey @benb0jangles,

I'm wondering if there's a limitation preventing implementing subtrim for Aux channels 7-10?

If there's no limitation - would it be possible for you to provide the source from which you compiled and development tools/environment/methods? I'd like to get started hacking on the firmware and I'm sure I'm not the only person who would benefit from the subtrim on these channels.



krx252525 commented 7 years ago

Feel free to give me a slap in the face if I'm missing something obvious - I'm hoping you're not editing the hex files directly... 😬

qba667 commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex Let me know if you are still interested. Some help will be appreciated. I was never able to compile whole firmware from disassembly but I was working with chunks. Bacillary assembler for ARM M0+ compiled with GCC. And some python script to calculate checksum. The oryginal10 channel file created by Dave B. seems to be compiled from disassembly.

krx252525 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I'm still interested. Do you have a repo for tracking the firmware development?

qba667 commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex I have no repo right now, possibly I will try to create it during weekend. Here you have method of your interest. As you can see most of settings are affecting 6ch only. To change it you have redefine model settings array to be able to store all new configuration.

int *createRadioPacket()
  unsigned int v0; // r0@2
  int v1; // r0@5
  int *v2; // r1@5
  signed int v3; // r2@5
  unsigned int ch_index; // r4@11
  unsigned int v5; // r7@19
  __int16 *v6; // r5@19
  int v7; // r0@19
  unsigned int v8; // r1@20
  int v9; // r0@25
  unsigned int v10; // r0@25
  int v11; // r0@27
  int v12; // r1@27
  int v13; // r0@32
  int v14; // r0@38
  int v15; // r0@41
  int v16; // r0@48
  int v17; // r0@55
  int v18; // r0@57
  int *tmpCH_1; // r0@59
  int *tmpCH2; // r0@63
  int *tmpCH3; // r0@67
  int *tmpCH4; // r0@71
  int *tmpCH5; // r0@75
  int *tmpCH6; // r0@80
  int ch_index2; // r5@86
  int v26; // r0@90
  int v27; // r7@90
  int chValue; // r0@90
  int v29; // r0@92
  unsigned int v30; // r2@92
  unsigned int v31; // r0@92
  int v32; // r12@92
  unsigned int v33; // r0@99
  int v34; // r0@102
  unsigned int v35; // r0@103
  int v36; // r0@105
  int v37; // r7@112
  int v38; // r6@112
  int v39; // r0@112
  int v40; // r1@112
  int v41; // r2@114
  int v42; // r1@114
  int v43; // r0@117
  signed int v44; // r3@120
  int modelPtr3; // r5@123
  unsigned int modelPtrPlus9; // r6@123
  int v47; // r1@126
  int v48; // r0@126
  int v49; // r1@127
  int v50; // r2@127
  int indexFrom0To3; // r6@133
  int v52; // r4@134
  unsigned int v53; // r3@134
  unsigned int v54; // r0@135
  int v55; // r1@136
  unsigned int v56; // r7@138
  int v57; // r0@139
  unsigned int v58; // r0@146
  int v59; // r5@149
  int v60; // r0@149
  int v61; // r5@151
  int v62; // r0@151
  unsigned int ch_index3; // r4@153
  int modelNamePtr; // r7@153
  int offset; // r6@154
  int value; // r0@154
  int v67; // r0@159
  signed int ch6_tmp; // r0@164
  signed int ch1_tmp; // r2@165
  unsigned int v70; // r0@167
  signed int ch6_tmp2; // r1@170
  signed int ch1_tmp2; // r3@171
  signed int ch2_tmp; // r3@173
  signed int ch3_tmp; // r3@177
  signed int ch4_tmp; // r3@181
  signed int ch5_tmp; // r3@185
  int modelSetPTR; // r5@193
  int *result; // r0@193
  int ch1_val; // [sp+0h] [bp-A0h]@133
  int ch2_val; // [sp+4h] [bp-9Ch]@133
  int ch3_val; // [sp+8h] [bp-98h]@133
  int ch4_val; // [sp+Ch] [bp-94h]@133
  int *ch5_val; // [sp+10h] [bp-90h]@133
  int ch6_val; // [sp+14h] [bp-8Ch]@5
  int ch_1; // [sp+18h] [bp-88h]@15
  int ch_2; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-84h]@55
  int *ch_3; // [sp+20h] [bp-80h]@55
  int ch_4; // [sp+24h] [bp-7Ch]@55
  int *ch_5; // [sp+28h] [bp-78h]@75
  int ch_6; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-74h]@79
  int modelPtrPlus32; // [sp+34h] [bp-6Ch]@25
  int v92; // [sp+3Ch] [bp-64h]@19
  int modelNamePlus64; // [sp+44h] [bp-5Ch]@11
  int v94; // [sp+48h] [bp-58h]@55
  int v95; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-54h]@57
  int *v96; // [sp+50h] [bp-50h]@57
  int v97; // [sp+54h] [bp-4Ch]@57
  int v98; // [sp+58h] [bp-48h]@11
  int pointerSettings; // [sp+5Ch] [bp-44h]@11
  unsigned int v100; // [sp+64h] [bp-3Ch]@92
  int v101; // [sp+68h] [bp-38h]@11
  int studentMod1; // [sp+6Ch] [bp-34h]@11
  int pointeSettingsAfterName; // [sp+70h] [bp-30h]@11
  int v104; // [sp+74h] [bp-2Ch]@11
  int trainerSW_1; // [sp+78h] [bp-28h]@11
  int trainerMod; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-24h]@11
  int studentMod2; // [sp+84h] [bp-1Ch]@11

  if ( byte_20000145[0] )
    v0 = someTimer - dword_20000150;
    if ( someTimer - dword_20000150 >= 0x2EE0 )
      dword_20000150 += 12000;
      v0 -= 12000;
    if ( v0 > (unsigned int)&unk_BB8 )
      if ( v0 > (unsigned int)&off_2328 )
        v0 -= 12000;
        v0 = (unsigned int)&byte_1426[-v0 + 842];
    v1 = sub_1E7A(10 * v0, 3u);
    v2 = &ch6_val;
    v3 = 3;
      v2[1] = v1;
      v2 += 2;
      *v2 = v1;
    while ( v3 );
    goto LABEL_152;
  modelNamePlus64 = sub_2568();
  studentMod1 = (unsigned __int8)studentMode;
  studentMod2 = (unsigned __int8)studentMode;
  trainerMod = (unsigned __int8)trainerMode;
  ch_index = 0;
  trainerSW_1 = (1 << trainerSW) & modelNamePlus64;
  v98 = (unsigned __int8)stickModeSW;
  v104 = 4 * (unsigned __int8)stickModeSW;
  v101 = v104 + 56609;
  pointerSettings = currModelNamePtr;
  pointeSettingsAfterName = currModelNamePtr + 10;
    if ( !studentMod2 && trainerMod && trainerSW_1 )
      *(&ch_1 + ch_index) = dword_1FFFFCC0[ch_index];
      goto LABEL_16;
    v5 = *(&dword_20000F00 + ch_index);
    v6 = &stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index];
    v7 = (*((_BYTE *)v6 + 1) << 8) | *(_BYTE *)v6;
    v92 = v7;
    if ( v5 >= v7 )
      v8 = (HIBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 2]) << 8) | LOBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 2]);
      if ( v5 <= v8 )
        if ( ch_index && ch_index != 1 && ch_index != 3 )
          goto LABEL_39;
        v9 = (HIBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 1]) << 8) | LOBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 1]);
        modelPtrPlus32 = v9;
        v10 = v9 - 80;
        if ( v5 > v10 && v5 < modelPtrPlus32 + 80 )
          v11 = modelPtrPlus32 - ((unsigned int)modelPtrPlus32 >> 3);
          v12 = v5 >> 3;
          v7 = v11 + v12;
          goto LABEL_40;
        if ( ch_index && ch_index != 1 && ch_index != 3 )
          goto LABEL_39;
        if ( v5 >= modelPtrPlus32 + 80 )
          sub_1E5E((v5 - modelPtrPlus32 - 80) * (v8 - modelPtrPlus32 - 10), v8 - modelPtrPlus32 - 80);
          v12 = modelPtrPlus32;
          v11 = v13 + 10;
          goto LABEL_33;
        if ( ch_index && ch_index != 1 && ch_index != 3 || v5 > v10 )
          v7 = v5;
          goto LABEL_40;
        sub_1E5E((modelPtrPlus32 - v5 - 80) * (modelPtrPlus32 - v92 - 10), modelPtrPlus32 - v92 - 80);
        v7 = modelPtrPlus32 - v14 - 10;
        v7 = (HIBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 2]) << 8) | LOBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 2]);
    if ( ((HIBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 1]) << 8) | LOBYTE(stickAdjustData[3 * ch_index + 1])) <= v7 )
      v15 = sub_1E7A(
              (v7 - ((*((_BYTE *)v6 + 3) << 8) | *((_BYTE *)v6 + 2))) * (_DWORD)dword_2710,
              ((*((_BYTE *)v6 + 5) << 8) | *((_BYTE *)v6 + 4)) - ((*((_BYTE *)v6 + 3) << 8) | *((_BYTE *)v6 + 2)));
      v15 = sub_1E7A((v7 - v92) * (_DWORD)dword_2710, ((*((_BYTE *)v6 + 3) << 8) | *((_BYTE *)v6 + 2)) - v92)
          + 4294957296;
    if ( ch_index < 4 )
      if ( v98 == 1 || v98 == 3 )
        v15 += 20 * *(_BYTE *)(*(_BYTE *)(v101 + ch_index) + pointeSettingsAfterName);
        v15 -= 20 * *(_BYTE *)(*(_BYTE *)(v101 + ch_index) + pointeSettingsAfterName);
    *(&ch_1 + ch_index) = v15;
    v16 = v5 - byte_1FFFFD54[ch_index];
    if ( v16 < 0 )
      v16 = -v16;
    if ( v16 > 300 )
      byte_1FFFFD54[ch_index] = v5;
      *(_DWORD *)&byte_20000148 = someTimer - 1;
      dword_2000014C = 0;
  while ( ch_index < 6 );
  if ( studentMod1 || !trainerMod || !trainerSW_1 )
    v17 = v104 + 56593;
    *(&v94 + *(_BYTE *)(v104 + 56593)) = ch_1;
    *(&v94 + *(_BYTE *)(v17 + 1)) = ch_2;
    *(&v94 + *(_BYTE *)(v17 + 2)) = (int)ch_3;
    *(&v94 + *(_BYTE *)(v17 + 3)) = ch_4;
    if ( v98 == 1 || v98 == 3 )
      ch_1 = v94;
      ch_2 = v95;
      ch_3 = v96;
      v18 = v97;
      ch_1 = -v94;
      ch_2 = -v95;
      ch_3 = (int *)-(signed int)v96;
      v18 = -v97;
    ch_4 = v18;
  tmpCH_1 = (int *)ch_1;
  if ( ch_1 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH_1 = (int *)-10000;
  ch_1 = (int)tmpCH_1;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH_1 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH_1 = dword_2710;
  ch_1 = (int)tmpCH_1;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[2] = tmpCH_1;
  tmpCH2 = (int *)ch_2;
  if ( ch_2 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH2 = (int *)-10000;
  ch_2 = (int)tmpCH2;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH2 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH2 = dword_2710;
  ch_2 = (int)tmpCH2;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[3] = tmpCH2;
  tmpCH3 = ch_3;
  if ( (signed int)ch_3 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH3 = (int *)-10000;
  ch_3 = tmpCH3;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH3 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH3 = dword_2710;
  ch_3 = tmpCH3;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[4] = tmpCH3;
  tmpCH4 = (int *)ch_4;
  if ( ch_4 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH4 = (int *)-10000;
  ch_4 = (int)tmpCH4;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH4 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH4 = dword_2710;
  ch_4 = (int)tmpCH4;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[5] = tmpCH4;
  tmpCH5 = ch_5;
  if ( (signed int)ch_5 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH5 = (int *)-10000;
  ch_5 = tmpCH5;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH5 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH5 = dword_2710;
  ch_5 = tmpCH5;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[6] = tmpCH5;
  if ( ch_6 <= -10000 )
    tmpCH6 = (int *)-10000;
    tmpCH6 = (int *)ch_6;
  ch_6 = (int)tmpCH6;
  if ( (signed int)tmpCH6 > (signed int)dword_2710 )
    tmpCH6 = dword_2710;
  ch_6 = (int)tmpCH6;
  dword_1FFFFD7C[7] = tmpCH6;
  if ( studentMod1 )
    goto LABEL_164;
  ch_index2 = 0;
  v26 = 4 * (((1 << *(_BYTE *)(pointerSettings + 14)) & modelNamePlus64) != 0) + pointerSettings + ch_index2;
  trainerMod = v26;
  v27 = 98 * *(_BYTE *)(v26 + 23) + 0x4000;
  trainerSW_1 = 4 * ch_index2;
  chValue = *(&ch_1 + ch_index2);
  studentMod1 = chValue;
  if ( chValue < 0 )
    chValue = -chValue;
  v29 = sub_1E7A(chValue << 15, (unsigned int)dword_2710);
  v30 = 0x10000;
  v100 = v29;
  v31 = 0;
  v32 = 0x8000 - v27;
  v98 = v27 << 15;
    if ( (((v98 + v32 * ((v31 + v30) >> 1) - v27 * ((v31 + v30) >> 1)) >> 15) * ((v31 + v30) >> 1)
        + v27 * ((v31 + v30) >> 1)
        + 0x4000) >> 15 >= v100 )
      v30 = (v31 + v30) >> 1;
      v31 = (v31 + v30) >> 1;
  while ( v30 - v31 > 1 );
  if ( v100 - ((((v98 + v32 * v31 - v27 * v31) >> 15) * v31 + v27 * v31 + 0x4000) >> 15) > ((((v98
                                                                                             + v32 * v30
                                                                                             - v27 * v30) >> 15)
                                                                                           * v30
                                                                                           + v27 * v30
                                                                                           + 0x4000) >> 15)
                                                                                         - v100 )
    v31 = v30;
  v33 = 100
      * ((((((0x8000 - v27) << 15) + v27 * v31 - (0x8000 - v27) * v31) >> 15) * v31 + (0x8000 - v27) * v31 + 0x4000) >> 15);
  v34 = v33 * *(_BYTE *)(trainerMod + 15);
  if ( v34 >= 0 )
    v35 = v34 + 0x4000;
    v35 = v34 - 0x4000;
  v36 = sub_1E7A(v35, 0x8000u);
  if ( studentMod1 < 0 )
    v36 = -v36;
  *(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + trainerSW_1) = v36;
  while ( (unsigned int)++ch_index2 < 6 )
    if ( !ch_index2 || ch_index2 == 1 || ch_index2 == 3 )
      goto LABEL_90;
  if ( (unsigned int)*(_BYTE *)(pointerSettings + 9) >= 2 )
    ch_6 = sub_237C((int)ch_3, pointerSettings + 31);
  if ( (unsigned int)*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9) >= 3 )
    v37 = sub_A178(ch_1 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 41), 100);
    v38 = sub_A178(ch_2 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 42), 100);
    v39 = sub_A178(ch_6 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 43), 100);
    v40 = *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9);
    if ( v40 == 3 )
      ch_1 = v39 - v37;
      v47 = v39 + v38;
      v48 = v39 + v37;
      ch_2 = v47;
      if ( v40 != 4 )
        v41 = v39 - (50203 * v38 >> 15);
        v42 = v37 * (signed int)&dword_DD3C[30] >> 15;
        ch_2 = v39 + v38;
        ch_1 = v41 - v42;
        ch_6 = v41 + v42;
        goto LABEL_115;
      v49 = v39 - v38 / 2;
      v50 = 28378 * v37 >> 15;
      ch_2 = v39 + v38;
      ch_1 = v49 - v50;
      v48 = v49 + v50;
    ch_6 = v48;
  if ( *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 55) << 31 && (1 << *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 56)) & modelNamePlus64 )
    v43 = 200 * (*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 57) - 50);
    v43 = sub_237C((int)ch_3, currModelNamePtr + 45);
  ch_3 = (int *)v43;
  if ( *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9) && *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 55) & 8 )
    v44 = 0;
    if ( (1 << *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 44)) & modelNamePlus64 )
      v44 = 1;
    ch_5 = (int *)(200 * (*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + v44 + 58) - 50));
  modelPtr3 = currModelNamePtr;
  modelPtrPlus9 = *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9);
  if ( !*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9) || !(*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 55) & 8) )
    dword_1FFFFD7C[6] = createPacketsForCH7_10(*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 60));
    ch_5 = (int *)dword_1FFFFD7C[6];
  if ( modelPtrPlus9 < 3 )
    dword_1FFFFD7C[7] = createPacketsForCH7_10(*(_BYTE *)(modelPtr3 + 61));
    ch_6 = dword_1FFFFD7C[7];
  modelPtrPlus32 = modelPtr3 + 32;
  ch1_val = ch_1;
  ch2_val = ch_2;
  ch3_val = (int)ch_3;
  ch4_val = ch_4;
  indexFrom0To3 = 0;
  ch6_val = ch_6;
  ch5_val = ch_5;
  while ( 2 )
    v52 = 4 * indexFrom0To3 + modelPtr3;
    v53 = *(_BYTE *)(v52 + 62);
    if ( !(v53 >> 7) )
      goto LABEL_142;
    v54 = v53 & 0xF;
    if ( v54 >= 6 )
      v55 = dword_1FFFFD7C[v54];
      v55 = *(&ch1_val + v54);
    v56 = (unsigned int)*(_BYTE *)(v52 + 62) << 25 >> 29;
    if ( v55 < 0 )
      v57 = *(_BYTE *)(v52 + 64) * v55;
      if ( v57 >= 0 )
        goto LABEL_147;
      goto LABEL_146;
    v57 = *(_BYTE *)(4 * indexFrom0To3 + modelPtr3 + 63) * v55;
    if ( v57 < 0 )
      v58 = v57 - 50;
      goto LABEL_141;
    v58 = v57 + 50;
    *(&ch_1 + (v53 << 25 >> 29)) += sub_1E7A(v58, 0x64u);
    *(&ch_1 + v56) += 200 * *(_BYTE *)(v52 + 65);
    if ( (unsigned int)++indexFrom0To3 < 3 )
  if ( !*(_BYTE *)(modelPtr3 + 9) )
    if ( !(*(_BYTE *)(modelPtrPlus32 + 23) & 4)
      || (v59 = sub_A178(ch_2 * *(_BYTE *)(modelPtr3 + 75) + ch_1 * *(_BYTE *)(modelPtr3 + 74), 100),
          v60 = sub_A178(ch_2 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 75) - ch_1 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 74), 100),
          ch_1 = v59,
          ch_2 = v60,
          !*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 9)) )
      if ( *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 55) & 2 )
        v61 = sub_A178(ch_2 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 75) - ch_4 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 74), 100);
        v62 = sub_A178(ch_2 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 75) + ch_4 * *(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 74), 100);
        ch_2 = v61;
        ch_4 = v62;
  if ( !studentMode )
    ch_index3 = 0;
    modelNamePtr = currModelNamePtr;
    modelNamePlus64 = currModelNamePtr + 64;
      offset = 4 * ch_index3;
      value = *(&ch_1 + ch_index3) + 20 * *(_BYTE *)(modelNamePtr + ch_index3 + 76);
      *(&ch_1 + ch_index3) = value;
      if ( value <= 4294957296 )
        value = 4294957296;
      *(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + offset) = value;
      if ( value > (signed int)dword_2710 )
        value = (int)dword_2710;
      *(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + offset) = value;
      if ( value >= 0 )
        v67 = value * *(_BYTE *)(2 * ch_index3 + modelNamePtr + 83);
        if ( v67 >= 0 )
          v70 = v67 + 50;
          goto LABEL_161;
        v67 = value * *(_BYTE *)(2 * ch_index3 + modelNamePtr + 82);
        if ( v67 >= 0 )
          goto LABEL_168;
      v70 = v67 - 50;
      *(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + offset) = sub_1E7A(v70, 0x64u);
      if ( *(_BYTE *)(modelNamePlus64 + 30) & (1 << ch_index3) )
        *(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + offset) = -*(int *)((char *)&ch_1 + offset);
    while ( ch_index3 < 6 );
  ch6_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
  if ( ch_1 <= (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch1_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
    ch1_tmp = ch_1;
  ch6_tmp2 = 0x2EE0;
  ch_1 = ch1_tmp;
  if ( ch1_tmp <= 0x2EE0 )
    ch1_tmp2 = ch1_tmp;
    ch1_tmp2 = 0x2EE0;
  ch_1 = ch1_tmp2;
  dword_1FFFFDE0[0] = ch1_tmp2;
  ch2_tmp = ch_2;
  if ( ch_2 <= (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch2_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
  ch_2 = ch2_tmp;
  if ( ch2_tmp > 0x2EE0 )
    ch2_tmp = 0x2EE0;
  ch_2 = ch2_tmp;
  dword_1FFFFDE4 = ch2_tmp;
  ch3_tmp = (signed int)ch_3;
  if ( (signed int)ch_3 <= (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch3_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
  ch_3 = (int *)ch3_tmp;
  if ( ch3_tmp > 0x2EE0 )
    ch3_tmp = 0x2EE0;
  ch_3 = (int *)ch3_tmp;
  dword_1FFFFDE8 = ch3_tmp;
  ch4_tmp = ch_4;
  if ( ch_4 <= (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch4_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
  ch_4 = ch4_tmp;
  if ( ch4_tmp > 0x2EE0 )
    ch4_tmp = 0x2EE0;
  ch_4 = ch4_tmp;
  dword_1FFFFDEC = ch4_tmp;
  ch5_tmp = (signed int)ch_5;
  if ( (signed int)ch_5 <= (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch5_tmp = 0xFFFFD120;
  ch_5 = (int *)ch5_tmp;
  if ( ch5_tmp > 0x2EE0 )
    ch5_tmp = 0x2EE0;
  ch_5 = (int *)ch5_tmp;
  dword_1FFFFDF0 = ch5_tmp;
  if ( ch_6 > (signed int)0xFFFFD120 )
    ch6_tmp = ch_6;
  ch_6 = ch6_tmp;
  if ( ch6_tmp <= 0x2EE0 )
    ch6_tmp2 = ch6_tmp;
  dword_1FFFFDF4 = ch6_tmp2;
  modelSetPTR = currModelNamePtr;
  dword_1FFFFDF8 = (int)createPacketsForCH7_10(*(_BYTE *)(currModelNamePtr + 141) & 0xF);
  dword_1FFFFDFC = (int)createPacketsForCH7_10((unsigned int)*(_BYTE *)(modelSetPTR + 141) >> 4);
  dword_1FFFFE00 = (int)createPacketsForCH7_10(*(_BYTE *)(modelSetPTR + 145) & 0xF);
  result = createPacketsForCH7_10((unsigned int)*(_BYTE *)(modelSetPTR + 145) >> 4);
  dword_1FFFFE04 = (int)result;
  return result;
krx252525 commented 7 years ago

@qba667 thanks for that - I can create a repo and invite you as an admin. I'll have some time over this weekend - I'm GMT what time zone are you in?

qba667 commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex sounds good, have you any experience with disassembly? I am in GMT+1.

krx252525 commented 7 years ago

@qba667 not really - this is going to be a steep learning curve. It'll be nice to see if we can apply some proper engineering principles and improve the agility and pace.

Anything in the way of resources, literature, pointers, and existing dev-environment you can provide would be appreciated!

qba667 commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex same as it was mine. To do anything you will need debugger. I am using J-Link but STLink will be also fine. Toolchain is part of Kinetis Design Studio Integrated Development Environment. SDK for MKL16z (

Some resources about MCU

ARM thumb

Something about Reassembleable Disassembling


And the most important part a lot of free time.

qba667 commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex check here:

Tof68 commented 7 years ago

Subtrim and end-points for channels 7 to 10 should be realy great. It's almost necessary when using this channels with servos, even to drive accessories

Pecacheu commented 7 years ago

@qba667 I can't figure out how to compile the source code. I made an issue about it here.

krx252525 commented 7 years ago

Apologies for not getting in touch for circa 5 months - I've not looked at my RC stuff since the weather here just isn't suited to it. I'm going to try put some time over the coming weeks.

kelvinpmr commented 7 years ago

@keir-rex hi man! Please! Do the endpoint for this ch7! ALL naza users Will be thx to you!