benbahrenburg / benCoding.AlarmManager

Titanium Module for working with the Android AlarmManager
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Notification stops after close mobile device and open it again or reboot the phone #50

Closed MahmoudElmoghazy closed 9 years ago

MahmoudElmoghazy commented 9 years ago

hi now i have a problem when i close the mobile device or reboot the mobile the notfication stops and to open it again i have to open the application again i think i need a permission to do this can u help me

AppWerft commented 9 years ago

+1 I have the same problem. In my app I want the get new feeds from server after midnight. It works, but after reboot I don't see locale notifications triggered by service.

farwayer commented 9 years ago

Use benCoding.Android.Tools for registering BootReceiver and reactivate alarms after device reboot.

AppWerft commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I will looking for. I don't understand all, but I guess with this special entries in manifest the app will restarted without activity (?) In app.js I have inserted a code to require a module which starts alarmManger ( I hope this is the right way.