I'm trying to implement both angular-adal4 and azure-maps-control, both of which depend on angular-adal. I had angular-adal4 implemented and working fine, but when I tried to start using azure-maps-control package, it started throwing compile errors:
"Cannot use namespace 'AuthenticationContext' as a type."
These errors are on line 3189 and 3203 of \node_modules\azure-maps-control\typings\index.d.ts
I think what's causing the problem in angular-adal4 is this from adal-angular.d.ts.
// Typings needed for using ADAL with Angular 4
declare module 'adal-angular' {
export function inject(config: adal.Config): adal.AuthenticationContext;
export class adal{
I think this is redefining the adal-angular AuthenticationContext to be a namespace instead of a class. The azure-map-control typings file is importing adal-angular like this:
import * as AuthenticationContext from "adal-angular";
If I go an manually update their typing file to AuthenticationContext.adal, it's happy and all works fine. But that obviously isn't a solution. I tried to see if I could fork their code, but it's not on github. The only option I see is to either modify how adal-angular4 works, or use a different adal-angular wrapper.
I'm trying to implement both angular-adal4 and azure-maps-control, both of which depend on angular-adal. I had angular-adal4 implemented and working fine, but when I tried to start using azure-maps-control package, it started throwing compile errors:
"Cannot use namespace 'AuthenticationContext' as a type."
These errors are on line 3189 and 3203 of \node_modules\azure-maps-control\typings\index.d.ts
authContext?: AuthenticationContext;
setAadProperties?(clientId: string, aadAppId: string, aadTenant: string, aadInstance?: string, authContext?: AuthenticationContext): void;
I think what's causing the problem in angular-adal4 is this from adal-angular.d.ts.
I think this is redefining the adal-angular AuthenticationContext to be a namespace instead of a class. The azure-map-control typings file is importing adal-angular like this:
import * as AuthenticationContext from "adal-angular";
If I go an manually update their typing file to AuthenticationContext.adal, it's happy and all works fine. But that obviously isn't a solution. I tried to see if I could fork their code, but it's not on github. The only option I see is to either modify how adal-angular4 works, or use a different adal-angular wrapper.