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Feature idea: "looks interesting" #26

Closed cosmo0 closed 3 years ago

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

While categorizing the games, I've stumbled upon a bunch of unranked games that looked very interesting ; some even had glowing reviews on Steam but not a single one on Switch. Or sometimes they look like very weird games that have mixed reviews but could interest people who like weird games (I certainly do).

I'd love to help other people find these games. A button to mark them as "hey take a look", and a page that lists such games, with the number of people who marked it.

It's not exactly a whishlist because they would not necessarily be games that I am interested in right now, or at all.

Examples include:

benbarden commented 3 years ago

This is an "interesting" idea :)

When people visit the site, I think it's good if people can see that it's active, useful, and provides interesting things they can't easily find elsewhere. This idea fits all of those categories nicely.

The main thing to think about is where to show the list of interesting games to people. Some possible ideas:

What do you think? This is probably my favourite idea at the moment :)

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

Use it for a "random game" is a good idea. In a box "Find a new game" under "latest news" on the home page? Maybe a mix of "looks interesting" and highly-rated-but-low-number-of-reviews? (aka "hidden gems")

A community page is a good idea too. It would give users an incentive to register.

benbarden commented 3 years ago

Ok, I think putting this on the homepage would be a good reason to remove quick reviews from the homepage (for now), as they are not very up to date. Quick reviews will go on the Community page when that's ready.

benbarden commented 3 years ago

This is now live! To use it, go to the Members dashboard, and look for the new "Featured games" box. Try submitting a game. Once approved, it will appear in rotation on the homepage.

For now, the rotation is totally random, but in the future I might tweak that - particularly if the list gets very long. Think of it as a random game from a member-suggested, curated list - rather than a random game from the entire database.

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

Really cool! I'll take a spin :)

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

Maybe you should return on the "search" page when you submit :)

And add a button in the game's page ? And hide it if it's already selected, marking it like "is featured as [interesting|hidden gem]"

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

Idea for the options labels while adding a featured game:

And a sub-text like: "please don't add well-known games as hidden gems, everyone knows about Celeste, Hollow Knight and Undertale". Or even don't allow to submit "hidden gems" if the number of reviews is too high? (update: after submitting a few games, I've noticed that some have a high number of reviews but are still totally unknown, so it's not a good solution)

You could even create a third option "I love it despite its flaws and/or mixed/bad reviews". I have a huge fondness for a lot of games that are ranked very poorly.

Oh, and in the feature submit page, could you display the game image like in the category submit page please :)

benbarden commented 3 years ago

@cosmo0 can you add these comments to a new issue please? :) I'd like to be able to close issues when they are done - any further comments are harder to keep track of when the issue is closed. Otherwise these threads will go on forever, as there is always more that can be done ...

cosmo0 commented 3 years ago

Done! Sorry :)