benbjohnson / melomel

External ActionScript Interface.
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Can't run example #19

Closed hamannp closed 13 years ago

hamannp commented 13 years ago

Hi there. First off, I think that this project shows great promise.

I tried building the example on Snow Leopard -- no luck. I followed the directions exactly, including setting FLEX_HOME and installing firewatir and running 'bundle install'. I got a success message from 'ant build'. When I run cucumber, it launches chrome, displays nothing, and then cucumber hangs. I see in env.rb that it is indeed set to use chrome with the selenium webdriver.

First off, the Readmes don't mention chrome? Second, it does the same thing with Firewatir. I'll give this another shot with Ubuntu. But could you please provide some more explanation around building the samples?

Thanks! I think that this tool will be enormously helpful if I can get it built. --Paul

benbjohnson commented 13 years ago

hey Paul-

Thanks for opening an issue. It looks like the documentation for the examples is out of date. I'm going through and updating them right now. The documentation on is more up to date but doesn't include any examples.

I'll let you know when I have the examples up to date.


benbjohnson commented 13 years ago

I updated the examples and it seems to be running for me now. You'll need to rerun bundle install and restart httpd.rb after updating and then run cucumber.

hamannp commented 13 years ago

Cool. I'll give it a whirl. And FWIW, I inherited a large as3 codebase that needs testing and refactoring. I'm a rails guy, as is my boss. I know Rspec pretty well, Cucumber less so. I have played with cuke a bit, and I think it makes a lot of sense in this context. We have an as3 expert starting tomorrow. If all go wells, I might be able to give this toolkit a thorough workout.

hamannp commented 13 years ago

Awesome! I couldn't get chrome to work -- probably my chrome setup. But Firefox worked great.

hamannp commented 13 years ago

I'll give Rspec a whirl next. Is there a complete example for that anywhere? I can probably stumble my way through it.

benbjohnson commented 13 years ago

Awesome. There are a couple of people using Melomel regularly but it's nice to see more people implement it on large scale projects.

Melomel integrates with RSpec as well if you decide to use that. I do think Cucumber works better for end-to-end testing. Feel free to add issues to Melomel as you run across any or send pull requests with any additional features.

The Cucumber tasks are setup for Flex but Melomel will still work with pure AS3 projects. Are you using any particular UI framework in the project?

You can also e-mail me at or find me on Twitter as @benbjohnson if you need any help.

hamannp commented 13 years ago


We're using Flex. I would love to use PureMVC -- I'm going to defer to our expert that starts tomorrow. We've got to do something.

Cucumber and Rspec go together like peas and carrots. "The Rspec" book by Chelimsky explains Cucumber and Rspec as two concentric rings of "Red light, Green light, Refactor." You've got to have both TDD and BDD. For us, avoiding any gaps between our business people and developers is going to be as important as squashing the bugs.

Any chance you could write a couple of Rspec tests for the "cuke-spark" example? It would definitely help me, and I think many others. Even a basic example would be huge.

Cheers! Paul

benbjohnson commented 13 years ago


I added an rspec-spark example to the list. You'll need to rerun bundle install to pick up the new RSpec 2.3.0 version.

Let me know if you have any problems.


hamannp commented 13 years ago

You're the best! I'll pull the repo and check it out.

hamannp commented 13 years ago

Cool beans. Works great. I'll try to play with some real code. I'll let you know how that goes. Thanks for all the help.