benbrastmckie / ModelChecker

A hyperintensional theorem prover for modal, counterfactual conditional, constitutive explanatory, and extensional operators.
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New branch all_together #18

Closed mbuit82 closed 2 months ago

mbuit82 commented 3 months ago

I'm trying something new but I think I've diverged pretty far from the original branch and I don't want to mess anything up. How do I make a new branch and push to that?

mbuit82 commented 3 months ago

nvm I think I figured it out, new branch called all_together—basically I'm trying to make a file where you can put input sentences (in infix form) and get the model produced on the other side (the file is called

mbuit82 commented 3 months ago

So in the new branch I have a doc called where you can type a sequence of sentences in and it does the whole ordeal for you. It's not giving the right results (but it's not throwing errors at least); I suspect just by process of elimination must be in the semantics, and that quantifiers, especially Exists, may not behave as we expect them to. But I'll look into that later—feel free to take a look if you can come up with anything, I think this branch looks promising but it might just all be a big flop in the end so that's why I figured best to make a new branch

benbrastmckie commented 3 months ago

Hey this is looking great! I've started debugging but seems to be on the right track.

benbrastmckie commented 2 months ago

I've merged and deleted the new branch so closing this issue.