benbusby / colorstorm

A color theme generator for editors and terminal emulators
MIT License
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iTerm2 support #10

Open benbusby opened 2 years ago

benbusby commented 2 years ago

See for possible help in creating a template

Note that this needs a way of transforming the current theme hex codes to individual RGB percentages.

ciscohack commented 2 years ago

Thanks Ben, Waiting for this amazing theme to release.

benbusby commented 2 years ago

Hi @ciscohack -- I've been working periodically on adding iTerm2 support, but encountered a bug in iTerm2 where a generic color profile crashes the terminal if it doesn't specify certain fields (unrelated to theme). I'm going to create an issue on the iTerm2 gitlab page and see if the creator has any ideas.

ciscohack commented 2 years ago

@benbusby Yes please open a ticket with iterm2 ..iterm dev is very prompt and responsive ..he will fix it quickly

benbusby commented 2 years ago

Hi @ciscohack, I think I'm almost finished with the iterm2 themes, but had a few things to mention.

So the existing theme colors use editor specific names (like boolean, number, string, etc) and not names that translate well to ANSI colors for terminal emulators (like ansi 1 or red etc), but I did my best to try and match editor values to an appropriate ANSI color. I think it'll require a bit of refactoring to make the color generator work equally well for editors and terminal emulators, but it'd be a worthwhile improvement.

On that note, I'm going to start updating this repo to contain only the code necessary for generating themes so that other people can start using it to generate their own themes as well. I'm not sure which repo I'll migrate the actual "earthbound themes" to afterwards, but I'll let you know once I decide on where those should go.

In the meantime, I've attached the current iteration of the iterm2 themes so that you can try them out. Once I've had a chance to redo the theme templating to work with more standard color names, I think they'll end up looking even better. Thanks for your patience while I'm working on this!

ciscohack commented 2 years ago

@benbusby First Thanks a lot Ben for hard work. I just installed the theme and so far looks good!!.. Is it touch to convert just this one into hyper terminal "fire-spring.itermcolors" theme also. if possible to convert please just this single theme you try to convert for hyper terminal. rest all working fine. Thanks!

benbusby commented 2 years ago


First Thanks a lot Ben for hard work.

No problem! I'm happy to help.

Is it touch to convert just this one into hyper terminal "fire-spring.itermcolors" theme also. if possible to convert please just this single theme you try to convert for hyper terminal.

I'll try to get to this soon. I haven't used hyper terminal before, so I'll need to mess around with it a bit first, but it shouldn't be too hard. I'll let you know once I have a version ready for you to try out.

ciscohack commented 2 years ago


First Thanks a lot Ben for hard work.

No problem! I'm happy to help.

Is it touch to convert just this one into hyper terminal "fire-spring.itermcolors" theme also. if possible to convert please just this single theme you try to convert for hyper terminal.

I'll try to get to this soon. I haven't used hyper terminal before, so I'll need to mess around with it a bit first, but it shouldn't be too hard. I'll let you know once I have a version ready for you to try out.

Thanks my friend!

benbusby commented 2 years ago


OK, so I finished the Fire Spring theme for Hyper. I've included instructions below:

  1. git clone ~/.hyper_plugins/local/earthbound_themes
  2. In your .hyper.js file add localPlugins: ['earthbound_themes'],
  3. Then add earthbound_themes: 'fire-spring', to your .hyper.js file as well

I'm completely new to Hyper, so there might be a simpler way, but that's how I got it working on my computer at least. Hope this helps!

ciscohack commented 2 years ago

@benbusby You are just awesome my friend.. Thanks once again. yes it working on my system too.

ciscohack commented 2 years ago

@benbusby hyper-earthbound theme for hyperterm has small issue.. i see some black sport in theme