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Import global scss variables in app.vue? #139

Closed diakonovm closed 5 years ago

diakonovm commented 5 years ago

I want to import global scss into App.vue. The normal scss seems to be fine, but the vue components are not able to access the scss variables. Do I have to import the scss variables into each component? Importing the variables with the @design method works fine, but I would like to keep all my global CSS together under a single directory.

I am following the advice from the documentation that global CSS should only be in src/app.vue.

// src/assets/css/index.scss

// variables
@import 'variables/breakpoints';
@import 'variables/colors';
@import 'variables/fonts';

// base
@import 'base/global';

// objects
@import 'objects/button';
@import 'objects/input';
@import 'objects/textarea';
@import 'objects/typography';

// misc
@import 'misc/utilities';
// App.vue
<style lang="scss">
@import '@assets/css/index.scss';

The vue components are able to use normal css classes from index.scss, but when a component uses a variables such as $breakpoints, I am receiving the following error.

@media (min-width: map-get($breakpoints, medium)) { display: block; }
Undefined variable: "$breakpoints".
in /Users/michael/Desktop/development/app/src/router/views/static_pages/index.vue (line 65, column 32)
chrisvfritz commented 5 years ago

Each component is its own SCSS entry file, so you'll have to import those variables into the components you want to use them in. Does that make sense?

diakonovm commented 5 years ago

Yeah, that makes sense. I may be stuck in an asset pipeline Rails way of thinking. Anyway, thanks!