bencodezen / vue-enterprise-boilerplate

An ever-evolving, very opinionated architecture and dev environment for new Vue SPA projects using Vue CLI.
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Automatically mock require.context when VUE_CLI_BABEL_TRANSPILE_MODULES is true #193

Closed jardimfelipe closed 1 month ago

jardimfelipe commented 4 years ago

I used yarn new module command to create a new vuex module to test my app. However, I stumbled in the following error:

  ● Test suite failed to run

    TypeError: require.context is not a function

      11 |   // Allow us to dynamically require all Vuex module files.
      12 |   //
    > 13 |   const requireModule = require.context(
         |                                 ^
      14 |     // Search for files in the current directory.
      15 |     '.',
      16 |     // Search for files in subdirectories.

      at updateModules (src/state/modules/index.js:13:33)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/state/modules/index.js:10:2)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/utils/dispatch-action-for-all-modules.js:1:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/state/store.js:3:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/main.js:4:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/services/api-instance.js:2:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/services/team.js:2:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/state/modules/team.js:1:1)
      at Object.<anonymous> (src/state/modules/team.unit.js:1:1)

This error occurs on every vuex module file.

Bellow, this is an example of a vuex module:

import { GetTeamList } from '@src/services/team'
export const state = {
    teamList: [],

export const getters = {
    totalList({ state }) {
        return state.teamList.totalItemCount

export const mutations = {
    SET_LIST(state, newList) {
        state.teamList = newList

export const actions = {
    async fetchList() {
        const resp = await GetTeamList()

And this is its test:

import * as teamModule from './team'

describe('@state/modules/team', () => {
  it('exports a valid Vuex module', () => {

This error doesn't occurs on newly created module using yarn new modules so I'm probably doing something wrong. If anybody have any clues in this matter, I would be very grateful

EgorFront commented 4 years ago

As far as I understand, the problem is that Jest is not able to use dynamic imports (this is a feature of webpack) The solution is to mock require.context or u can polyfill it, see here

chrisvfritz commented 4 years ago

As @EgorFront mentioned, there are a number of solutions. My preferred solution has usually been to isolate the require.context call in a file that can be mocked, but I'm thinking about possibly building in an automatic workaround to the problem - the issue is none of the ones I know of are really ideal, so I'll probably have build in something custom.

satyamqainfotech commented 4 years ago

Adding a babel-plugin-transform-require-context plugin to .babelrc helps me solve the issue.

Just add into .babelrc for test env and it will fix the issue

{ "env": { "test": { "plugins": ["transform-require-context"] } } }

beamsies commented 3 years ago


Adding a babel-plugin-transform-require-context plugin to .babelrc helps me solve the issue.

Just add into .babelrc for test env and it will fix the issue

{ "env": { "test": { "plugins": ["transform-require-context"] } } }

Is this all you did? Because I can't get this to work.

Also, I'm new to Jest and not sure how to mock this if that is what I have to do.


satyamqainfotech commented 3 years ago


Adding a babel-plugin-transform-require-context plugin to .babelrc helps me solve the issue. Just add into .babelrc for test env and it will fix the issue { "env": { "test": { "plugins": ["transform-require-context"] } } }

Is this all you did? Because I can't get this to work.

Also, I'm new to Jest and not sure how to mock this if that is what I have to do.


Hey @beamsies - See this answer:, also you can look at other answers and try it out

boydaihungst commented 3 years ago

I used this package to fix this problem:

bencodezen commented 1 month ago

Sorry for the delay in responding to this. I let the project lapse and am in the process of currently updating it to Vue 3 standards.

In order to clean up issues, I'll be closing this issue at this time, but if you still have issues with the new boilerplate or have questions, please don't hesitate to open another issue.