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Vuetify colors don't work when changing keyName in vue-meta #45

Closed frandiox closed 6 years ago

frandiox commented 6 years ago

Hi! As of vuetify@1.1.0-alpha.3, it uses vue-meta but has metaInfo hardcoded in the source code. Therefore, changing keyName to something else breaks some theme-related functionality in Vuetify. This boilerplate uses page instead of metaInfo so it is incompatible for now.

@chrisvfritz I guess there's nothing to fix here but I thought this information could be useful for somebody else :)

chrisvfritz commented 6 years ago

Good to know! I think that's something @johnleider should be able to fix for the next Vuetify alpha. 🙂

johnleider commented 6 years ago

Don't threaten me with a good time! @KaelWD has there been any movement on this?

KaelWD commented 6 years ago

No, waiting for a response on that vue-meta issue.

chrisvfritz commented 6 years ago

I just pinged Sébastien on that issue, so hopefully it can be resolved soon. 🙂 Thanks to both of you for your work on Vuetify! I'll close this for now then, as there's nothing more that can be done from this repo.

@frandiox If you want to convince me to use metaInfo instead of page for the keyName, I'm open to hearing an argument. 🙂 For me, I just felt that metaInfo was a little too vague, it not being obvious that this is referencing page-level meta info in HTML. Would love to hear others' thoughts!

frandiox commented 6 years ago

Thanks everybody!

@chrisvfritz The only argument would be that it's easier to look it up and see what's the library that provides it. Other than that, I'm perfectly fine with page instead!