bendalab / thunderfish

python scripts for analyzing recordings of efish electric fields.
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Code was sorted into primary logical structures. Some sorting still needed though. #8

Closed jfsehuanes closed 8 years ago

jfsehuanes commented 8 years ago

Code was sorted into several scripts, each containing a logical structure. Main folders were also renamed and a recycle_bin folder was created for code we are not totally sure if we want to get rid of. There is still sorting to be done, though. Good candidates are all plotting functions; pack them into a separate script!

jgrewe commented 8 years ago

Hi Juan, there is no need to close the pull-request, just go on from where you are and push to your branch. Github will notice this and the pull-request will include all your latest commits.

jgrewe commented 8 years ago

I agree with Fabian, do not use a recycle bin, If you want you may chose to tag the current state

git tag before_restructure

should do the trick. You can later chose to checkout the tag, if you need.

janscience commented 8 years ago

Solange die Jungs noch mitten im umstrukturieren sind, wuerde ich den recycle bin erstmal lassen. Erst wenn wir durch sind und auf den recycle bin schauen und da nichts mehr finden, was wir aufheben wollen, dann kann der weg, oder getaged werden. Sonst erinnert sich keiner mehr daran, was noch fehlt - oder?

fabiansinz commented 8 years ago

I understood @jfsehuanes that code in recycle bin is basically staged for deletion, not code that needs to be restructured. I don't see the value in keeping that under version control any further especially when it's easy to look back at the file in the history.

That said, I think it can stay until the restructuring is done but then should be removed definitely. Usually, if you are not sure whether to delete some code or not, you should delete it.

fabiansinz commented 8 years ago

And I also think that unit-tests would be very helpful. Especially in cases where the code is restructured it is a very helpful tool to make sure that everything runs as intended and nothing that is still needed got deleted.