bendrucker / angularjs-stripe

Angular Stripe.js service that returns promises for token calls
MIT License
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Support for stripe.js v3 paymentRequest method #71

Open kr4ng opened 7 years ago

kr4ng commented 7 years ago

Hey thanks for making angular-stripe. Was wondering if you have any plans for supporting the new Stripe Elements release:

This new method 'stripe.paymentRequest' from v3 of their js is what needs to be included.

jsoap11 commented 7 years ago

I'll second this, v3 support would be great for this library.

bendrucker commented 7 years ago

Hey I have a bit of a backlog of open source stuff at the moment. Wasn't planning on adding this but I'd be happy to help w/ pull requests.

ivanstojkovicapps commented 6 years ago

are there any plans for doing this :)?

bendrucker commented 6 years ago

This would involve changing the URL for Stripe.js and adding the method to Can't make any promise as to when/if I'll do this myself but I will happily devote time to PRs.