benducke / Network-reconstruction-tools-for-GRASS-GIS

Node-based network model generator for GRASS GIS 7.x (and QGIS 3.x)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Create an interface for external model support #13

Open benducke opened 3 years ago

benducke commented 3 years ago

It would be convenient to have act as a "worker ant" for geocomputing, so that an external program can run a more complex connectivity model, concentrating on the core mathematics of such a model, and without needing to do the heavy lifting (cost-based computations, topological cleaning, etc.).

In such a workflow, one would first use to create a completely connected model and export simple CSV files with link/node properties (in addition to regular vector maps output). An external program could then ingest this and decide which links to remove and which to leave. In a second pass, could then import the connectivity file and reduce the complete (or initial!) model accordingly. A simple file format for import into could have just two columns:


(Plus '#' as comment marker.)

In terms of user interface, we would add a new model choice "external". If this type is chosen, then a connectivity file must also be provided via another option.

benducke commented 1 year ago

Control via three options: outfile(s) = CSV file(s) to write by, containing simple matrix representation of network processor = programm to run that implements the external model (outfile(s) is passed as argument) infile(s) = file that is created when "processor" is done, and that will then be further processed by Flow:

  1. creates initial network
  2. writes "outfile(s)"
  3. runs "processor <outfile(s)>
  4. waits for "processor" to complete & processor writes "infile(s)"
  5. reads "infile(s)" and produces GIS output