beneater / criblate

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Unable to sign in/up #2

Open c-shubh opened 2 weeks ago

c-shubh commented 2 weeks ago


Unable to sign in/sign up due to error.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Navigate to
  2. Press Sign up or Sign in button on home page
  3. Select Google account to sign in with
  4. Error


I could reproduce the error on the following platforms:

The error is reproducible regardless of whether an adblocker is enabled or disabled.

Additional information

Digest: 3620663826


GET 500 (Internal Server Error)
_.AB.redirect @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:846
jC @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:896
_.kC @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:894
_.fD @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:937
(anonymous) @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:935
kra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:511
jra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508 @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508
kra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:511
jra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508 @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508
(anonymous) @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:605
Qsa @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:575
_.f.ny @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:592
cx.NS @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:608
_.f.JS @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:552
Eu @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:443
_.f.dispatchEvent @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:441
qsa @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:546
_.hw.BK @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:545
c @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:671
_.hw.KU @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:545
XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
_.f.send @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:544
_.f.transfer @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:551
fta @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:586
ata @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:585
hg.send @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:581
_.f.send @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:574
(anonymous) @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:605
kra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:511
jra @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508 @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:508
jg.sendRequest @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:610
_.NB.sendRequest @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:859
_.eD.start @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:935
_.Gsc @ webpack-29fb5dc46c57ebdd.js:104
_.QM.identifier @ webpack-29fb5dc46c57ebdd.js:118
a @ bootstrap-autofill-overlay.js:3359
(anonymous) @ (index):2
requestIdleCallback.timeout @ (index):2
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23-f7eb5f62b084f17b.js:1 Error: An error occurred in the Server Components render. The specific message is omitted in production builds to avoid leaking sensitive details. A digest property is included on this error instance which may provide additional details about the nature of the error.
window.console.error @ 23-f7eb5f62b084f17b.js:1
l_ @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
n.callback @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
nB @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
nV @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aq @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
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aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
a9 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
aY @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
(anonymous) @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
is @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
o1 @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
oZ @ fd9d1056-1c41d858607311f4.js:1
T @ 23-f7eb5f62b084f17b.js:1
beneater commented 1 week ago

Thanks for the detailed report. I'm not able to reproduce this, but I'm guessing there may have been an issue on the backend connecting to our database. I've tweaked some of the retry logic and added some logging. Would you mind trying again? Either it will work now or I'll get some useful logging info that will help narrow the problem down.

Deye27 commented 1 week ago

I have a similar problem, I wanted to sign in with Google:

Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information). Digest: 4081180753


I'm using Google Chrome 126.0.6478.62 (Official Build) (a 64 bit) in Windows 11

c-shubh commented 1 week ago

Does criblate use NextAuth.js? I found some discussion about NextAuth.js and it's environment variables

Your problem may be in the environment variables.

I had the same problem:

Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information). Digest: 4286476458

I solved it by changing the name of the environment variable AUTH_SECRET to NEXTAUTH_SECRET, and the application worked normally.

Checks whether there is a variable with the incorrect name that vercel is unable to read.

Also see NextAuth.js Deployement,

In any case, there might be some configuration issue with environment variables, so do check that out.

Deye27 commented 1 week ago

While attempting to log in with my smartphone, I repeatedly encountered an "Internal Server Error." I had to refresh the page multiple times before successfully signing in without further issues.