beneater / criblate

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Improve Topic Selection Interface #3

Open Deye27 opened 1 week ago

Deye27 commented 1 week ago


Currently, the topic selection interface on allows users to make multiple selections for both the year and the subject. However, each video on the platform is categorized by only two labels: year and subject.

Proposed Changes

  1. Separate Year and Subject Sections: Create distinct sections for year and subject in the topic selection interface. This will enhance clarity and usability.

  2. Enforce Single Selection for Year and Subject:

    • Year: Modify the interface to allow only a single selection for the year.
    • Subject: Similarly, enforce a single selection for subjects to maintain consistency with the video's labeling system.


beneater commented 4 days ago

Thanks for the feedback. I'm curious how useful you find the year filtering as a feature by itself. The reason I ask is that the topic filtering is built to be pretty generic so that as we add new creators, they can create their own topics to organize their videos and translation project in whatever way makes sense to them.

Currently, @3b1b has created "topics" for years and subjects, but that's not something that's built into the platform. You might imagine another creator using topics to categorize by priority, for example, to group videos that should be translated first.

So a couple questions:

  1. Is grouping by year useful enough that it should be built out as a separate filter? If so, would a more flexible date-based filter be better? Or is it good enough that the videos are sorted by date?
  2. When selecting multiple topics, we currently show videos that are tagged with ALL of the selected topics. Is that right or should we show videos tagged with ANY of the topics?
Deye27 commented 2 days ago
  1. I believe that the two categories (time and topic) should be separated, but they can be improved. Considering the flexibility required for different creators, I think a filter like from: to: would be the best choice. I also believe that topic filtering is more useful, but I don't feel that this means the time-based filtering system should be completely eliminated. There could be cases where this feature might be more useful than topic filtering.

  2. I think it's more appropriate to use OR rather than AND in this case.