benedekrozemberczki / karateclub

Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs (CIKM 2020)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug in #37

Closed ChrisBotella closed 4 years ago

ChrisBotella commented 4 years ago


I noticed an error in the WeisfeilerLehmanHashing class from which is used by Graph2Vec and Gl2vec for building the list of nodes rooted subtrees of the each graph up to the number of WL iterations (argument: wl_iterations).

I implemented a correction of WeisfeilerLehmanHashing and show you hereafter a comparison to demonstrate the problem.

reproducible code

It (i) generates a simple chain graph (ii) Run the WL algorithm implemented in your original code and print the WL features hash codes outputs. (iii) Run the corrected algorithm and print the WL features hash codes outputs. (iv) Print the WL nodes rooted trees associated with the WL features hash codes (they are in the same order).

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from karateclub.utils.treefeatures import WeisfeilerLehmanHashing
import hashlib

# We build a directed attributed graph (4 nodes chain)
A = np.matrix([[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1],[0,0,0,0]])
G = nx.DiGraph(incoming_graph_data= A ) 
nx.set_node_attributes(G, {0:1,1:2,2:3,3:4}, name= 'feature')

print('Run original version')
WL = WeisfeilerLehmanHashing(graph= G, wl_iterations= 3, attributed=True)

print('Number of final WL features')
print('Final WL features')

class CorrectedWeisfeilerLehmanHashing(object):
    Weisfeiler-Lehman feature extractor class.

        graph (NetworkX graph): NetworkX graph for which we do WL hashing.
        features (dict of strings): Feature hash map.
        iterations (int): Number of WL iterations.
    def __init__(self, graph, wl_iterations, attributed):
        Initialization method which also executes feature extraction.
        self.wl_iterations = wl_iterations
        self.graph = graph
        self.attributed = attributed

        #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
        self.subtrees = []
        self.all_subtrees = {}


    def _set_features(self):
        Creating the features.
        if self.attributed:
            self.features = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph, 'feature')
            self.features = {node: for node in self.graph.nodes()}
        #____ ADDED
        self.extracted_features = {k: [str(v)] for k, v in self.features.items()}       

        #(For visualising trees only)
        if self.attributed:
            self.subtrees = nx.get_node_attributes(self.graph, 'feature')
            self.subtrees = {node: for node in self.graph.nodes()}
        self.all_subtrees = {k:[v] for k,v in self.subtrees.items()}

    def _do_a_recursion(self):
        The method does a single WL recursion.
        Return types:
            * **new_features** *(dict of strings)* - The hash table with extracted WL features.
        #____ DELETED
        #self.extracted_features = {k: [str(v)] for k, v in self.features.items()}

        #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
        new_trees = {}

        new_features = {}
        for node in self.graph.nodes():
            nebs = self.graph.neighbors(node)
            degs = [self.features[neb] for neb in nebs]
            features = [str(self.features[node])]+sorted([str(deg) for deg in degs])
            features = "_".join(features)
            hash_object = hashlib.md5(features.encode())
            hashing = hash_object.hexdigest()
            new_features[node] = hashing

            #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
            nebs = self.graph.neighbors(node)
            neigbor_trees = [self.subtrees[neb] for neb in nebs]
            ordered_neigbor_trees = [str(self.subtrees[node])]+sorted([str(tree) for tree in neigbor_trees])
            new_node_rooted_tree = "("+"_".join(ordered_neigbor_trees)+")"
            new_trees[node] = new_node_rooted_tree

        self.extracted_features = {k: self.extracted_features[k] + [v] for k, v in new_features.items()} 

        #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
        self.all_subtrees = {k : self.all_subtrees[k] + [v] for k,v in new_trees.items()}
        self.subtrees = new_trees

        #____ ADDED
        # we remove the initial non encoded feature for each node if still there
        for k,v in new_features.items():
            if len(self.extracted_features[k][0])!=32:
                del self.extracted_features[k][0:1]

        return new_features

    def _do_recursions(self):
        The method does a series of WL recursions.
        for _ in range(self.wl_iterations):
            self.features = self._do_a_recursion()

        #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
        for k,v in self.all_subtrees.items():
            del self.all_subtrees[k][0:1]

    def get_node_features(self):
        Return the node level features.
        return self.extracted_features

    def get_graph_features(self):
        Return the graph level features.
        return [feature for node, features in self.extracted_features.items() for feature in features]

    #____ ADDED (For visualising trees only)
    def get_subtrees(self):
        Return the nodes rooted subtrees of all WL iterations
        return self.all_subtrees

print('Run corrected version')

WL = CorrectedWeisfeilerLehmanHashing(graph= G, wl_iterations= 3, attributed=True)

print('Number of final WL features')
print('Final WL features')

print('Corresponding nodes rooted subtrees')

Here is the output of this script: output


Indeed, you can see first that the original code only produces 8 (4x2) WL features hash codes instead of 12 (4x3) in the corrected version. The algorithm must produce one WL feature per node and iteration.

You can also see that 8 codes among the corrected output match the non-corrected output. Now looking at the output of WL.all_subtrees, whose order match the features in WL.get_graph_features(), you can see that the codes that were lacking in the non-corrected version correspond to the first WL iteration.


The problem of the original code is that it only keep the WL features of the 2 last iterations. I hope that this is clear enough. Of course you can use directly the corrected version. I kept track of the changes and highlighted those that I only use for the trees strings construction.

Could you please apply the changes to the package? I'm using it for research and I think it would be much easier for everyone that I directly refer to your package rather than adding a corrected code in a personal repo.

Anyway, thank you for this useful package =)

benedekrozemberczki commented 4 years ago

Hi there Chris!

Thank you for spotting the bug.

  1. I made the fix to the feature hashing.
  2. The erasing of the base feature is an optional parameter. As I ran some benchmarks it turned out that erasing the base feature reduced the predictive power of the features.
  3. This change now effects the tree features file and every model class which was effected downstream. (Role2vec, Graph2vec, GL2Vec).

If you upgrade Karate Club to 1.0.11 and modify your testing script and set the "erase_base_features" parameter to false our results should match.

I am happy that you like the package. If you end up using it in a paper please cite the relevant paper (it was accepted in the KDD MLG Workshop and it is also under review for CIKM 2020).

If you are satisfied with this please feel free to close this issue.

ChrisBotella commented 4 years ago
  1. I confirm that it works now, Thank you!
  2. Nice, I guess indeed it can make sense to keep it in many context, as it provides information on the distribution of nodes features/degrees across the graph.

I'm closing the issue.

Thanks again =)