benedictpaten / marginAlign

UCSC Nanopore
MIT License
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make test fail #36

Closed LotusWang0723 closed 6 years ago

LotusWang0723 commented 6 years ago

After I run make test, it is reported that there is no vcf module

File "./tests/", line 4, in from margin.marginCallerLib import vcfRead File "/data/ltwang/software/marginAlign/src/margin/", line 1, in import pysam, sys, os, collections, vcf, datetime ImportError: No module named vcf Makefile:5: recipe for target 'test' failed make: *** [test] Error 1

how can I solve this problem?

mitenjain commented 6 years ago


Are you using a virtualenv? That will allow you to contain all dependencies (listed in requirement.txt).

Thank you.

LotusWang0723 commented 6 years ago

Thanks a lot. I forgot to use virtualenv. Now make test can run correctly.