benediktschmitt / py-ts3

A Python 3 API for the TeamSpeak 3 server query and file transfer interface.
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unable to connect #102

Closed Juanzin420 closed 2 years ago

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago


import ts3

with ts3.query.TS3ServerConnection("telnet://serveradmin:rIwlNQNohQ8p@localhost:9987") as ts3conn: ts3conn.exec_("use", sid=1)

    # exec_() returns a **TS3QueryResponse** instance with the response.
    resp = ts3conn.exec_("clientlist")
    print("Clients on the server:", resp.parsed)
    print("Error:", resp.error["id"], resp.error["msg"])

    # Note, the TS3Response class and therefore the TS3QueryResponse
    # class too, can work as a rudimentary container. So, these two
    # commands are equal:
    for client in resp.parsed:
    for client in resp:

im trying to connect to the teamspeak server but it does nothing, seems to get stuck when trying to connect, does anybody know what i have to do?

whookie commented 2 years ago

You are trying to connect to port 9987. Port 9987 is usually the port for client connections. The ports for serverquery are different. Usually, the serverquery port for telnet is 10011, 10022 for SSH.

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

thank you @whookie , i changed the port and i get the following errors when i do so

SSH: TimeoutError: [Errno 110] Connection timed out

TELNET: raise TS3TransportError() from err ts3.query.TS3TransportError

any idea what the problem might be? both ports are unlocked on the modem and i used the actual ip for ssh, since localhost didnt work

whookie commented 2 years ago

Which URL did you use? Try telnet://serveradmin:rIwlNQNohQ8p@localhost:10011 or ssh://serveradmin:rIwlNQNohQ8p@localhost:10022

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

i tried that, for SSH gives me paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError: [Errno None] Unable to connect to port 10022 on or ::1 and for telnet ts3.query.TS3TransportError :/

whookie commented 2 years ago

Try connecting to your telnet console manually: telnet localhost 10011 (linux) or use putty (windows)

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

root@ubuntu:/home/juanzinteamspea# telnet localhost 10011 Trying ::1... Trying telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

whookie commented 2 years ago

Well, my obvious guesses would be that either a) your server isn't running b) you changed the port manually (be it accidentally or not) c) your port is somehow blocked or not listening or whatever (try netstat)

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

yeah both ports are not listed on netstat

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

im checking the config files, maybe i did change the port, i will change it back

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

ok so i had changed the query port on the config, i changed it back to 10011 and attempt to connect to the server again, but now is doing the same thing as it was with port 9987, just keeps trying to connect but it does nothing... any thoughts? @whookie

whookie commented 2 years ago

Maybe expecting some other message? Maybe the port is open and listening, you're just sending unknown messages (like SSH on a telnet port). But at least it is open now. If you tried telnet on 10011 and it didn't work, try SSH on the same port.

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

trying ssh on same port gives me
raise SSHException( paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

my config.yml looks like this

    #  Multibinding supported here! Host delimiter is \",\"
    #The value must be a string
    default_host: ",::"
    #  Enforce the default host for every virtual server. Ignoring the server specific host
    #The value must be a positive numeric value between 0 and 1
    enforce: 0
    #  Multibinding supported here! Host delimiter is \",\"
    #The value must be a string
    #The value must be a positive numeric value between 1 and 65535
    port: 10101
    #  Multibinding supported here! Host delimiter is \",\"
    #The value must be a string
    #The value must be a positive numeric value between 1 and 65535
    port: 30303
    #  Multibinding supported here! Host delimiter is \",\"
    #The value must be a string

  #  Change the query newline character
  #  NOTE: TS3 - Compatible bots may require \"\n\r\"
  #The value must be a string
  nl_char: "\n"
  #  Max number of characters one query command could contain.
  #The value must be a unsigned long between 8192 and 536870912
  max_line_buffer: 1048576
  #  The query welcome message
  #  If not like TeamSpeak then some applications may not recognize the Query
  #  Default TeamSpeak 3 MOTD:
  #  TS3\n\rWelcome to the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery interface, type \"help\" for a list of commands and \"help <command>\" for information on a specific command.\n\r
  #  NOTE: Sometimes you have to append one \r\n more!
  #The value must be a string
  motd: "TeaSpeak\nWelcome on the TeaSpeak ServerQuery interface.\n"
  #  Enable/disable SSL for query
  #  Available modes:
  #    0: Disabled
  #    1: Enabled (Enforced encryption)
  #    2: Hybrid (Prefer encryption but fallback when it isn't available)
  #The value must be a positive numeric value between 0 and 2
  enableSSL: 2
    #  The SSL certificate for the query client
    #The value must be a string
    certificate: certs/query_certificate.pem
    #  The SSL private key for the query client (You have to export the key without a password!)
    #The value must be a string
    privatekey: certs/query_privatekey.pem```
whookie commented 2 years ago

Could you format that as code please?

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

i did but it came out like that lol i used code < like this

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

now i got it!

whookie commented 2 years ago

So it works now? Config looks fine, just that your query seems to be on port 10101

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

no it doesnt work, i got it to look like code here on github hahah, and yeah i changed it to 10101 to test it like that, still same result tho

whookie commented 2 years ago

Only thing I can think of right now is reinstalling the server and starting from a fresh one. No idea why it doesn't work.

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

i'll do a little more digging before i do that, is it possible that a musicbot is getting on the way of it?

whookie commented 2 years ago

anything is possible, but if it is not using the query ports it is unlikely. You could also try watching the connection using Wireshark or check the server logs. I don't mean the server logs you get in the client, but the actual server console.

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

i will try that! many thanks!

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

so apparently it connects halfway? i get this on the log

[2021-10-27 16:53:00] [INFO ] QUERY | Got new client from ::1:57500
[2021-10-27 16:53:01] [DEBUG] QUERY | Got new query client from ::1. Whitelisted: false
[2021-10-27 16:53:04] [DEBUG]     1 | Cleaning up conversation cache.

and when i close the script on the terminal i get this msg on the log

[2021-10-27 16:54:36] [INFO ] QUERY | [::1:57500/ServerQuery#::1/57500 | 0] Connection closed. Client disconnected
whookie commented 2 years ago

You could check if you have whitelist enabled. Normally ::1 / are whitelisted by default, but you could still check. If they are not whitelisted, just add them, one per line:

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

they are, idk why its saying whitelisted: false, if i use the public ip it says whitelisted: True but i still get the same result, i can connect with YaTQA to manage ts without a problem, idk why this would happen with the py-ts3 :|

whookie commented 2 years ago

Telnet for TS server query is nothing but a raw TCP socket. You could try connecting with a raw TCP socket and check if that works. Something along those lines:

import socket

sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect(("localhost", 10011))


EDIT: If that doesn't work, just try debugging your code and step inside the library. If there is an issue with the library, maybe you can find it?

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

it worked with that code lol i guess

Welcome on the TeaSpeak ServerQuery interface.

error id=0 msg=ok
Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

im not sure how to work the script using the socket tho , any suggestions on what should i do? ahhaha

whookie commented 2 years ago

Ooooh I think I see whats happening.

May be related to this line: My guess would be that because you are using TeaSpeak there may be some incompatibilities that the library may not be prepared for. I have never worked with TeaSpeak before, so unfortunately I can't really help there.

EDIT: The library splits the lines using the \n\r line ending. From the raw socket code from before, you could remove the .decode() from the sock.recv() calls. That should show the line ending, if it is not \n\r, the library can not properly parse it.

EDIT 2: I see it now. In your configuration your lines in the greeting message end in \r\n, but the library expects \n\r. If you can't change the line ending in your TeaSpeak config, you probably need to change them locally in the library, which would make the code not very portable. You could probably also do some hacky python stuff to go around that, but that's probably not a good idea. Best to just change the line endings in the TeaSpeak config.

whookie commented 2 years ago

# NOTE: TS3 - Compatible bots may require \"\n\r\" #The value must be a string nl_char: "\n"

This is the relevant answer for you. Change nl_char to "\n\r" and try again.

Juanzin420 commented 2 years ago

it worked! thank you! i love you! lol