benedmunds / CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth

Simple and Lightweight Auth System for CodeIgniter
MIT License
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Error in edit_user() without Ajax call #1327

Closed spitfire64 closed 5 years ago

spitfire64 commented 5 years ago

CI 3.1.9 PHP 7.1.7

Post your Ion Auth config below

 * Name:    Ion Auth
 * Author:  Ben Edmunds
 *           @benedmunds
 * Added Awesomeness: Phil Sturgeon
 * Created:  10.01.2009
 * Description:  Modified auth system based on redux_auth with extensive customization. This is basically what Redux Auth 2 should be.
 * Original Author name has been kept but that does not mean that the method has not been modified.
 * Requirements: PHP5.6 or above
 * @package    CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth
 * @author     Ben Edmunds
 * @link
 * @filesource
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Database group name option.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Allows to select a specific group for the database connection
 | Default is empty: uses default group defined in CI's configuration
 | (see application/config/database.php, $active_group variable)
$config['database_group_name'] = '';

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Tables.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Database table names.
$config['tables']['users']           = 'users';
$config['tables']['groups']          = 'groups';
$config['tables']['users_groups']    = 'users_groups';
$config['tables']['login_attempts']  = 'login_attempts';

 | Users table column and Group table column you want to join WITH.
 | Joins from
 | Joins from
$config['join']['users']  = 'user_id';
$config['join']['groups'] = 'group_id';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Hash Method (bcrypt or argon2)
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Bcrypt is available in PHP 5.3+
 | Argon2 is available in PHP 7.2
 | Argon2 is recommended by expert (it is actually the winner of the Password Hashing Competition
 | for more information see So if you can (PHP 7.2), go for it.
 | Bcrypt specific:
 |      bcrypt_default_cost settings:  This defines how strong the encryption will be.
 |      However, higher the cost, longer it will take to hash (CPU usage) So adjust
 |      this based on your server hardware.
 |      You can (and should!) benchmark your server. This can be done easily with this little script:
 |      With bcrypt, an example hash of "password" is:
 |      $2y$08$200Z6ZZbp3RAEXoaWcMA6uJOFicwNZaqk4oDhqTUiFXFe63MG.Daa
 |      A specific parameter bcrypt_admin_cost is available for user in admin group.
 |      It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
 | Argon2 specific:
 |      argon2_default_params settings:  This is an array containing the options for the Argon2 algorithm.
 |      You can define 3 differents keys:
 |          memory_cost (default 4096 kB)
 |              Maximum memory (in kBytes) that may be used to compute the Argon2 hash
 |              The spec recommends setting the memory cost to a power of 2.
 |          time_cost (default 2)
 |              Number of iterations (used to tune the running time independently of the memory size).
                This defines how strong the encryption will be.
 |          threads (default 2)
 |              Number of threads to use for computing the Argon2 hash
 |              The spec recommends setting the number of threads to a power of 2.
 |      You can (and should!) benchmark your server. This can be done easily with this little script:
 |      With argon2, an example hash of "password" is:
 |      $argon2i$v=19$m=1024,t=2,p=2$VEFSSU4wSzh3cllVdE1JZQ$PDeks/7JoKekQrJa9HlfkXIk8dAeZXOzUxLBwNFbZ44
 |      A specific parameter argon2_admin_params is available for user in admin group.
 |      It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
 | For more information, check the password_hash function help:
$config['hash_method']              = 'bcrypt'; // bcrypt or argon2
$config['bcrypt_default_cost']      = 10;       // Set cost according to your server benchmark - but no lower than 10 (default PHP value)
$config['bcrypt_admin_cost']        = 12;       // Cost for user in admin group
$config['argon2_default_params']    = [
    'memory_cost'   => 1 << 12, // 4MB
    'time_cost'     => 2,
    'threads'       => 2
$config['argon2_admin_params']      = [
    'memory_cost'   => 1 << 14, // 16MB
    'time_cost'     => 4,
    'threads'       => 2

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Authentication options.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | maximum_login_attempts:  This maximum is not enforced by the library, but is used by
 |                          is_max_login_attempts_exceeded().
 |                          The controller should check this function and act appropriately.
 |                          If this variable set to 0, there is no maximum.
 | min_password_length:     This minimum is not enforced directly by the library.
 |                          The controller should define a validation rule to enforce it.
 |                          See the Auth controller for an example implementation.
 | The library will fail for empty password or password size above 4096 bytes.
 | This is an arbitrary (long) value to protect against DOS attack.
$config['site_title']                 = "";       // Site Title,
$config['admin_email']                = ""; // Admin Email,
$config['default_group']              = 'members';           // Default group, use name
$config['admin_group']                = 'admin';             // Default administrators group, use name
$config['identity']                   = 'email';             /* You can use any unique column in your table as identity column.
                                                                The values in this column, alongside password, will be used for login purposes
                                                                IMPORTANT: If you are changing it from the default (email),
                                                                           update the UNIQUE constraint in your DB */
$config['min_password_length']        = 8;                   // Minimum Required Length of Password (not enforced by lib - see note above)
$config['email_activation']           = FALSE;               // Email Activation for registration
$config['manual_activation']          = FALSE;               // Manual Activation for registration
$config['remember_users']             = TRUE;                // Allow users to be remembered and enable auto-login
$config['user_expire']                = 86500;               // How long to remember the user (seconds). Set to zero for no expiration - see sess_expiration in CodeIgniter Session Config for session expiration
$config['user_extend_on_login']       = FALSE;               // Extend the users cookies every time they auto-login
$config['track_login_attempts']       = TRUE;                // Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip.
$config['track_login_ip_address']     = TRUE;                // Track login attempts by IP Address, if FALSE will track based on identity. (Default: TRUE)
$config['maximum_login_attempts']     = 3;                   // The maximum number of failed login attempts.
$config['lockout_time']               = 600;                 /* The number of seconds to lockout an account due to exceeded attempts
                                                                You should not use a value below 60 (1 minute) */
$config['forgot_password_expiration'] = 1800;                /* The number of seconds after which a forgot password request will expire. If set to 0, forgot password requests will not expire.
                                                                30 minutes to 1 hour are good values (enough for a user to receive the email and reset its password)
                                                                You should not set a value too high, as it would be a security issue! */
$config['recheck_timer']              = 0;                   /* The number of seconds after which the session is checked again against database to see if the user still exists and is active.
                                                                Leave 0 if you don't want session recheck. if you really think you need to recheck the session against database, we would
                                                                recommend a higher value, as this would affect performance */

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Cookie options.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | remember_cookie_name Default: remember_code
$config['remember_cookie_name'] = 'remember_code';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Email options.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | email_config:
 |    'file' = Use the default CI config or use from a config file
 |    array  = Manually set your email config settings
$config['use_ci_email'] = FALSE; // Send Email using the builtin CI email class, if false it will return the code and the identity
$config['email_config'] = [
    'mailtype' => 'html',

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Email templates.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Folder where email templates are stored.
 | Default: auth/
$config['email_templates'] = 'auth/email/';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Activate Account Email Template
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Default: activate.tpl.php
$config['email_activate'] = 'activate.tpl.php';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Forgot Password Email Template
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Default: forgot_password.tpl.php
$config['email_forgot_password'] = 'forgot_password.tpl.php';

 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Message Delimiters.
 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
$config['delimiters_source']       = 'config';  // "config" = use the settings defined here, "form_validation" = use the settings defined in CI's form validation library
$config['message_start_delimiter'] = '<p>';     // Message start delimiter
$config['message_end_delimiter']   = '</p>';    // Message end delimiter
$config['error_start_delimiter']   = '<p>';     // Error message start delimiter
$config['error_end_delimiter']     = '</p>';    // Error message end delimiter

Describe the bug When I edit a user and post it, I get the error "This form post did not pass our security checks." If I change the following in auth/edit_user:

if ($this->_valid_csrf_nonce() === FALSE || $id != $this->input->post('id'))


if ($id != $this->input->post('id'))

it works. I have

$config['csrf_protection'] = TRUE;

So when I change the value of csrf_sitecom_token in my console and submit the form I get the error "The action you have requested is not allowed." That is a CI message, indicating that CI's csrf protection works fine so I guess my change in auth/edit_user is ok?

benedmunds commented 5 years ago

Yea your edit is good. We added CSRF protection to Ion Auth a long time ago, before CI had it built in. It’s since been removed from Ion Auth.