benedmunds / CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth

Simple and Lightweight Auth System for CodeIgniter
MIT License
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implementation transaction in create user #1538

Closed junglaCODE closed 2 years ago

junglaCODE commented 2 years ago

First of all an apology for not doing it for merge, but I am making several changes and the branches have a lot of conflicts, I hope I have it well with these changes.

Note that when there is a failure when creating a user, it is attached anyway, so I decided to put a transaction to ensure that the insert is correct

     * Register (create) a new user
     * @param string $identity       This must be the value that uniquely identifies the user when he is registered
     * @param string $password       Password
     * @param string $email          Email
     * @param array  $additionalData Multidimensional array
     * @param array  $groups         If not passed the default group name set in the config will be used
     * @return integer|boolean
     * @author Mathew
     * @author JLGC/monolinux
    public function register(string $identity, string $password, string $email, array $additionalData=[], array $groups=[])
        $manualActivation = $this->config->manualActivation;

        if ($this->identityCheck($identity))
            return false;
        else if (! $this->config->defaultGroup && empty($groups))
            return false;

        // check if the default set in config exists in database
        $query = $this->db->table($this->tables['groups'])->where(['name' => $this->config->defaultGroup], 1)->get()->getRow();
        if (! isset($query->id) && empty($groups))
            return false;

        // capture default group details
        $defaultGroup = $query;

        // IP Address
        $ipAddress = \Config\Services::request()->getIPAddress();

        // Do not pass $identity as user is not known yet so there is no need
        $password = $this->hashPassword($password);

        if ($password === false)
            return false;

        // Users table.
        $data = [
            $this->identityColumn => $identity,
            'username'            => $identity,
            'password'            => $password,
            'email'               => $email,
            'ip_address'          => $ipAddress,
            'created_on'          => time(),
            'active'              => ($manualActivation === false ? 1 : 0),

        // filter out any data passed that doesnt have a matching column in the users table
        // and merge the set user data and the additional data
        $userData = array_merge($this->filterData($this->tables['users'], $additionalData), $data);



        $id = $this->db->insertId($this->tables['users'] . '_id_seq');

        // add in groups array if it doesn't exists and stop adding into default group if default group ids are set
        if (isset($defaultGroup->id) && empty($groups))
            $groups[] = $defaultGroup->id;

        if (! empty($groups))
            // add to groups
            foreach ($groups as $group)
                $this->addToGroup($group, $id);
        if ($this->db->transStatus() === FALSE):
            return false;
            return $id;
benedmunds commented 2 years ago

This makes sense but there does appear to be syntax errors. Closing for now, feel free to open a PR for it sometime.