benedmunds / CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth

Simple and Lightweight Auth System for CodeIgniter
MIT License
2.35k stars 1.14k forks source link

Password_hash error with user does not exist #1540

Closed matheuscastroweb closed 2 years ago

matheuscastroweb commented 2 years ago

Which branch are you using? 4 What commit hash are you on? Attempt updating to the latest commit on your branch.

What CodeIgniter version are you using? 4.1.1

What PHP version are you using? 7.4.23

Post your Ion Auth config below


namespace Config;

use App\Modules\User\Infra\Mapping\Entities\GroupEntity;

 * Name:    Ion Auth
 * Created:  10.01.2009
 * Description:  Modified auth system based on redux_auth with extensive customization.
 *               This is basically what Redux Auth 2 should be.
 * Original Author name has been kept but that does not mean that the method has not been modified.
 * Requirements: PHP7.2 or above
 * @package    CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth
 * @author     Ben Edmunds <>
 * @author     Phil Sturgeon
 * @author     Benoit VRIGNAUD <>
 * @license  MIT License
 * @link
 * @filesource

 * Configuration file for Ion Auth
 * @package CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth
class IonAuth extends  \IonAuth\Config\IonAuth

     * Database group name option.
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Allows to select a specific group for the database connection
     * Default is empty: uses default group defined in CI's configuration
     * (see application/config/database.php, $active_group variable)
     * @var string
    public $databaseGroupName = '';

     * Tables (Database table names)
     * @var array
    public $tables = [
        'users'          => 'user',
        'groups'         => 'group',
        'users_groups'   => 'user_group',
        'login_attempts' => 'login_attempt',

     * Users table column and Group table column you want to join WITH.
     * Joins from
     * Joins from
     * @var array
    public $join = [
        'users'  => 'user_id',
        'groups' => 'group_id',

     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | Hash Method (bcrypt or argon2)
     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | Bcrypt is available in PHP 5.3+
     | Argon2 is available in PHP 7.2
     | Argon2 is recommended by expert (it is actually the winner of the Password Hashing Competition
     | for more information see So if you can (PHP 7.2), go for it.
     | Bcrypt specific:
     |      bcryptDefaultCost settings:  This defines how strong the encryption will be.
     |      However, higher the cost, longer it will take to hash (CPU usage) So adjust
     |      this based on your server hardware.
     |      You can (and should!) benchmark your server. This can be done easily with this little script:
     |      With bcrypt, an example hash of "password" is:
     |      $2y$08$200Z6ZZbp3RAEXoaWcMA6uJOFicwNZaqk4oDhqTUiFXFe63MG.Daa
     |      A specific parameter bcryptAdminCost is available for user in admin group.
     |      It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
     | Argon2 specific:
     |      argon2DefaultParams settings:  This is an array containing the options for the Argon2 algorithm.
     |      You can define 3 differents keys:
     |          memory_cost (default 4096 kB)
     |              Maximum memory (in kBytes) that may be used to compute the Argon2 hash
     |              The spec recommends setting the memory cost to a power of 2.
     |          time_cost (default 2)
     |              Number of iterations (used to tune the running time independently of the memory size).
     |          This defines how strong the encryption will be.
     |          threads (default 2)
     |              Number of threads to use for computing the Argon2 hash
     |              The spec recommends setting the number of threads to a power of 2.
     |      You can (and should!) benchmark your server. This can be done easily with this little script:
     |      With argon2, an example hash of "password" is:
     |      $argon2i$v=19$m=1024,t=2,p=2$VEFSSU4wSzh3cllVdE1JZQ$PDeks/7JoKekQrJa9HlfkXIk8dAeZXOzUxLBwNFbZ44
     |      A specific parameter argon2AdminParams is available for user in admin group.
     |      It is recommended to have a stronger hashing for administrators.
     | For more information, check the password_hash function help:
    public $hashMethod          = 'argon2';  // bcrypt or argon2
    public $bcryptDefaultCost   = 10;        // Set cost according to your server benchmark - but no lower than 10 (default PHP value)
    public $bcryptAdminCost     = 12;        // Cost for user in admin group
    public $argon2DefaultParams = [
        'memory_cost' => 1 << 12, // 4MB
        'time_cost'   => 2,
        'threads'     => 2,
    public $argon2AdminParams   = [
        'memory_cost' => 1 << 14, // 16MB
        'time_cost'   => 4,
        'threads'     => 2,

     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | Authentication options.
     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | maximumLoginAttempts:    This maximum is not enforced by the library, but is used by
     |                          is_max_login_attempts_exceeded().
     |                          The controller should check this function and act appropriately.
     |                          If this variable set to 0, there is no maximum.
     | minPasswordLength:       This minimum is not enforced directly by the library.
     |                          The controller should define a validation rule to enforce it.
     |                          See the Auth controller for an example implementation.
     | The library will fail for empty password or password size above 4096 bytes.
     | This is an arbitrary (long) value to protect against DOS attack.
    public $siteTitle                = 'Plataforma';       // Site Title,
    public $adminEmail               = ''; // Admin Email,
    public $defaultGroup             = 'student';           // Default group, use name
    public $adminGroup               = 'admin';             // Default administrators group, use name
    public $identity                 = 'email';             /* You can use any unique column in your table as identity column.
                                                                    IMPORTANT: If you are changing it from the default (email),
                                                                                update the UNIQUE constraint in your DB */
    public $minPasswordLength        = 8;                   // Minimum Required Length of Password (not enforced by lib - see note above)
    public $emailActivation          = false;               // Email Activation for registration
    public $manualActivation         = false;               // Manual Activation for registration
    public $rememberUsers            = true;                // Allow users to be remembered and enable auto-login
    public $userExpire               = 86400;                   // How long to remember the user (seconds). Set to zero for no expiration
    public $userExtendonLogin        = false;               // Extend the users cookies every time they auto-login
    public $trackLoginAttempts       = true;                // Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip.
    public $trackLoginIpAddress      = true;                // Track login attempts by IP Address, if false will track based on identity. (Default: true)
    public $maximumLoginAttempts     = 3;                   // The maximum number of failed login attempts.
    public $lockoutTime              = 600;                 /* The number of seconds to lockout an account due to exceeded attempts
                                                                    You should not use a value below 60 (1 minute) */
    public $forgotPasswordExpiration = 1800;                /* The number of seconds after which a forgot password request will expire. If set to 0, forgot password requests will not expire.
                                                                    30 minutes to 1 hour are good values (enough for a user to receive the email and reset its password)
                                                                    You should not set a value too high, as it would be a security issue! */
    public $recheckTimer             = 0;                   /* The number of seconds after which the session is checked again against database to see if the user still exists and is active.
                                                                    Leave 0 if you don't want session recheck. if you really think you need to recheck the session against database, we would
                                                                    recommend a higher value, as this would affect performance */

     * Cookie options.
     * rememberCookieName Default: remember_code
     * @var string
    public $rememberCookieName = 'remember_code';

     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | Email options.
     | -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     | emailConfig:
     |    'file' = Use the default CI config or use from a config file
     |    array  = Manually set your email config settings
    public $useCiEmail  = true; // Send Email using the builtin CI email class, if false it will return the code and the identity
    public $emailConfig = [
        'mailtype' => 'html',

     * Email templates.
     * Folder where email templates are stored.
     * Default: IonAuth\\Views\\auth\\email\\
     * @var string
    public $emailTemplates = 'mail' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Activate Account Email Template
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Default: activate.tpl.php
     * @var string
    public $emailActivate = 'activate.tpl.php';

     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Forgot Password Email Template
     * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Default: forgot_password.tpl.php
     * @var string
    public $emailForgotPassword = 'forgot.tpl.php';

     * Specifies the views that are used to display the
     * errors and messages.
     * @var array
    public $templates = [

        // templates for errors cf :
        'errors'   => [
            'list' => 'list',

        // templates for messages
        'messages' => [
            'list'   => 'IonAuth\Views\Messages\list',
            'single' => 'IonAuth\Views\Messages\single',

Describe the bug Exception global error


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Sign in with user email and password incorrect

matheuscastroweb commented 2 years ago

I thought it would be related to this, but even after the manual update I couldn't.

matheuscastroweb commented 2 years ago

I believe it is a server configuration error and not a function, closing.