benedmunds / CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth

Simple and Lightweight Auth System for CodeIgniter
MIT License
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Problems with autentification #1559

Open teoj opened 2 years ago

teoj commented 2 years ago

When the password is wrong show the message Incorrect Login but when it is correct go to auth/login again without any messages. I have working on it 2 days. I clone in ThirtParty/CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth with git like in the documentation INSTALL.MD. In Config/Autoload.php i put : public $psr4 = [ APP_NAMESPACE => APPPATH, // For custom app namespace 'Config' => APPPATH . 'Config', 'IonAuth' => APPPATH . 'ThirdParty/CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth' ]; In Config/IonAuth.php : <?php namespace Config;

class IonAuth extends \IonAuth\Config\IonAuth { // set your specific config // public $siteTitle = ''; // Site Title, // public $adminEmail = ''; // Admin Email, // public $emailTemplates = 'App\Views\auth\email\'; // ... }

I create a Controllers/Auth.php y my App/Controllers edit so: <?php namespace App\Controllers;

class Auth extends \IonAuth\Controllers\Auth { /**

I think the problem is the filter:

teoj commented 2 years ago

Ok i find the solution. The problem was the filter.