Closed cezarykluczynski closed 13 years ago
Not to say this is the solution, but what do you get if you autoload the session and db?
I've tried that. That's the another issue mentioned at the end of last post. When this is done
$autoload['libraries'] = array('database', 'session', 'ion_auth');
I get:
Call to a member function where() on a non-object in /path/to/application/models/ion_auth_model.php on line 342
when subbmiting login form.
Pull and see what you get now with both loading manually and autoloading. I just pushed this commit:
Nope, that's doesn't help either. Commenting out first statement from identity_check() just does nothing, as $ion_auth->_extra_where doesn't seems to be declared anywhere, and commenting out second statement makes login() to fail because of !$this->identity_check($identity) at line 574.
Here's where I get so far: when object from Ion_auth_model is constructed, gettype($this->session) returns object both prior and after
Log says it was a second attempt to load Session and it's omitted. However by the time it gets to login(), gettype($this->session) returns null in both Ion_auth_model and Ion_auth library, so even putting something like
function set_session_userdata($userdata) { $this->ci->session->set_userdata($userdata); }
at the end of Ion_auth library and then calling it from model results in
Call to a member function set_userdata() on a non-object
It makes sense to assume that reference to session is nullified somewhere along the way, but I'm not that deep into CodeIgniter (that's my third day with it) to start guessing where.
What version of CI are you using? Send me a link to the commit please.
It's 2.0.2 from, this one I think:
Package up and email me your whole project please (controllers, models, views, etc.)
Haven't heard back so I'm closing this. Feel free to open another one and email me if you still need help. Thanks!
After almost successfully logging in as default user (, i get this error:
which points here:
It is my understanding that Session library has been loaded once by class Ion_auth and every next attempt to load it is skipped (that what logs says), so it's not being referenced in Ion_auth_model. Gettype($this->session) near line 605 in ion_auth_model.php returns null.
I'm using latest version of Ion Auth from May 18th and CodeIgniter 2.0.2. Ion Auth is auto-loaded in autoload.php. I also have hook at post_controller_constructor and all it does is running
because otherwise Ion Auth coudn't connect to the database, which might be another issue.