benedmunds / CodeIgniter-Ion-Auth

Simple and Lightweight Auth System for CodeIgniter
MIT License
2.35k stars 1.14k forks source link

login_attemps table empty #678

Closed tikky closed 9 years ago

tikky commented 9 years ago


I am using your library in my private project and I am really happy, works ok. However my "login_attempts" table in database is still empty.

Of course in settings folder name is correct, and settings are set to: $config['tables']['login_attempts'] = 'login_attempts'; and also: $config['track_login_attempts'] = TRUE; $config['track_login_ip_address'] = TRUE;

Any idea what I can do/check to log users login attemps to my database?

m0veax commented 9 years ago


just take a look in the docs:

  • 'track_login_attempts' - Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip. DEFAULT is 'false'.

I think you have to set this feature to true, so it will work correctly.

Best Regards,


2014-12-02 10:12 GMT+01:00 tikky


I am using your library in my private project and I am really happy, works ok. However my "login_attempts" table in database is still empty.

Of course in settings folder name is correct, and settings are set to: _$config['tables']['login_attempts'] = 'loginattempts'; and also: _$config['track_loginattempts'] = TRUE; _$config['track_login_ipaddress'] = TRUE;

Any idea what I can do/check to log users login attemps to my database?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

m0veax commented 9 years ago


sry, just see that you have set the setting.

2014-12-02 10:24 GMT+01:00 Patrick Simon


just take a look in the docs:

  • 'track_login_attempts' - Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip. DEFAULT is 'false'.

I think you have to set this feature to true, so it will work correctly.

Best Regards,


2014-12-02 10:12 GMT+01:00 tikky


I am using your library in my private project and I am really happy, works ok. However my "login_attempts" table in database is still empty.

Of course in settings folder name is correct, and settings are set to: _$config['tables']['login_attempts'] = 'loginattempts'; and also: _$config['track_loginattempts'] = TRUE; _$config['track_login_ipaddress'] = TRUE;

Any idea what I can do/check to log users login attemps to my database?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

tikky commented 9 years ago

Please take a look at my original post, like I wrote earlier this option is set to TRUE. Any other idea?

benedmunds commented 9 years ago

Add debug code to the increase_login_attempts() method in the model to see what the login_attempts config var is being evaluated as here:

tikky commented 9 years ago

I've saved the result of $ip_address (lin 1127) and it shows me my real local ip address, which is However it was not stored in db.

What else I can check?

avenirer commented 9 years ago

Sorry for interrupting but is that IP the same as your server's IP?

tikky commented 9 years ago

My server (local Synology NAS) is and my computer is

avenirer commented 9 years ago

did you try to do an "echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];". If it shows ::1 then the problem is that your ip is shown in IPv6. See this

tikky commented 9 years ago

<? echo $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; ?>

The above test gave me my proper IP address

benedmunds commented 9 years ago

dump these values and see what you get:

var_dump($this->tables['login_attempts']); var_dump(array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));

also post the schema for your login attempts table.

benedmunds commented 9 years ago

Any updates? Closing until more information is given.

tikky commented 9 years ago


Sorry for a long time without answer.

Where do I need to put this code: var_dump($this->tables['login_attempts']); var_dump(array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));

login_attemps table is also comletly empty, however apart of this two empty tables login system works fine.

benedmunds commented 9 years ago

In the increase_login_attempts method in the ion auth model

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

@benedmunds nice person..haha... give lots of helpers for who use this lib.. really cool @tikky ion_auth is just a lib for ci, so just test and follow the code,debug and find the patient and good luck.

tikky commented 9 years ago

This is what I get: string(14) "login_attempts" array(3) { ["ip_address"]=> string(11) "" ["login"]=> string(5) "tikky" ["time"]=> int(1418329211) }

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

what about the 'var_dump($this->tables['login_attempts']);'

benedmunds commented 9 years ago

What database are you using? Postgres, mysql, sqlserver?

tikky commented 9 years ago

@singleseeker: string(14) "login_attempts"

@benedmunds: MariaDB/MySQL

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

check your table.

desc login_attempts

mysql> desc login_attempts;
| Field      | Type                  | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id         | mediumint(8) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| ip_address | varbinary(16)         | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| login      | varchar(100)          | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| time       | int(11) unsigned      | YES  |     | NULL    |                |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
tikky commented 9 years ago

zrzut ekranu 2014-12-11 o 21 34 06

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

open your php debug in your ci project. change the root folder index.php,also change the increase_login_attempts function like this. see what is going on..


public function increase_login_attempts($identity) {
        if ($this->config->item('track_login_attempts', 'ion_auth')) {
            $ip_address = $this->_prepare_ip($this->input->ip_address());
            var_dump($this->tables['login_attempts'], array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));

            $this->db->insert($this->tables['login_attempts'], array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));
            return TRUE;
        return FALSE;


define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

if (defined('ENVIRONMENT'))
    switch (ENVIRONMENT)
        case 'development':
            // Display errors in output
            ini_set('display_errors', 1);

        case 'testing':
        case 'production':

            // Don't display errors (they can still be logged)
            ini_set('display_errors', 0);

            exit('The application environment is not set correctly.');
singleseeker commented 9 years ago

also you could test this sql script in your sql console see if it works!

INSERT INTO `login_attempts` (`ip_address`, `login`, `time`) VALUES ('', '', 1418331061)
tikky commented 9 years ago

@singleseeker That was fine, added correctly. Now I can see this one row in login_attemps table

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

change the increase_login_attempts function for debug

public function increase_login_attempts($identity) {
        if ($this->config->item('track_login_attempts', 'ion_auth')) {
            $ip_address = $this->_prepare_ip($this->input->ip_address());

            $this->db->insert($this->tables['login_attempts'], array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));
            echo $this->db->last_query();

            return $this->db->insert($this->tables['login_attempts'], array('ip_address' => $ip_address, 'login' => $identity, 'time' => time()));
        return FALSE;
singleseeker commented 9 years ago

I could not even say a word but weird...

let me know the output when you change the increase_login_attempts function..

tikky commented 9 years ago

ok, have changed the index.php and increase_loing_attemps in models. In DB still no changes in 'login_attempts' tables.

Sorry if my question is lame (I am not a programmer), buy how can I debug project? I am using just notepad++ as a editor for development process.

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

U know what the increase_login_attempts just detect the user who is not exists.. when u use the user who is exists with the right password. it will not insert a record.

Could u know what I am talking about ?

tikky commented 9 years ago

yes, I know

now, when I've tried to login with different username (which is not exists) data was added to the DB.

However the docs says: 'track_login_attempts' - Track the number of failed login attempts for each user or ip. DEFAULT is 'false'.

So "each users" means only users who do not exists, or even the user with proper username but wrong password?

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

of course...

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

track_login_attempts just log people who can not login this project.. include the user who is not exists or user exists but with the wrong password..

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

Hope now u get your answer and everything goes well.

tikky commented 9 years ago


Yes, thank you for your help, comments and time

singleseeker commented 9 years ago

@tikky it is fine

have a nice day.