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Premiere version de la maquette de gestion des membres d'un groupe #18

Closed anthonyNkuinjeu closed 13 years ago

anthonyNkuinjeu commented 13 years ago

Bonjour monsieur,

Voici la première maquette que nous avons faite sur la gestion des membres d'un groupe. Pour le moment, cela concerne uniquement l'ajout et la suppression des membres d'un groupe. Nous continuions à travailler dessus.

PS. Ne tenez pas compte du commit qui concerne la classe C'est un vieux commit que j'ai fait et malheureusement je ne sais pas comment faire pour ne pas inclure ce commit dans ma pull request.

Bonne journée.

anthonyNkuinjeu commented 13 years ago

Hello sir,

Here is a another version of the mail dedicated to future users. We decided to make a separated mail for usual users and for future users. It's kind of a draft and I think there are few improvements to add. I did with the informations I have so, I might be not accurate on certain points.

Please fill free to change anything you want.

benel commented 13 years ago

Please, could you add your mockup in the Git repository of the wiki instead?

benel commented 13 years ago

The e-mail should also be added to the wiki...

anthonyNkuinjeu commented 13 years ago

Hi Sir,

Concerning the mockups files, I added them in my wiki. In fact, I totally forgot that I don't have the rights to paste or put files in yours. So, If you want to see what we did last week, you could check in my personal wiki.

Best regards.