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Sign-Up Demographics (Demographics > Overview) #1506

Open alexrcabral opened 3 years ago

alexrcabral commented 3 years ago

This task defines the overview of the sign-up demographics page. This is considered complete with the basic layout and formatting of the pages.

Full Mockup

Screenshot of first page of demographics, asking Who are You. Screenshot of second page of demographics, asking: Grade, Year of Birth, Gender, and Location. Screenshot of third page of demographics, asking if students have a disability or difficulties in different areas of math, followed by checkboxes.


Data collected would include: Age (all ages, including under 13) Location (country, state, city, zip code) - It is sufficient if we collect County and zip code. Gender Grade (K-12+) Category of Disability (e.g. “Do you have a disability or difficulties related to: Hearing math, Seeing or reading math, Writing math , Anxiety about math, Focusing on or organizing your math work, Speaking or communicating math, Other (write in)”)

This would occur on sign-up for all new users, through surveys, and retroactive for first time sign-in after the update.

Note on Required Fields

The only required field is the first question "Who Are You", denoting student teacher or other. All other fields are non-required inputs.

Acceptance Criteria

As a new user signing up, I should be brought to the initial sign up demographic question of whether I'm a student, teacher, or other. If I choose student, I should be brought to the next page to continue filling out my demographic information.

abaranowska1 commented 3 years ago

Tested with success

Selection_439 Selection_440 Selection_441

alexrcabral commented 3 years ago

As noted above, all fields following the initial student/teacher/other question should be non-required.

@rupeshparab Could you please update this so these fields are non-required

rupeshparab commented 3 years ago

@alexrcabral In case the user clicks on next without filling data, should we assume the selection to be 'Prefer Not to Say' I thought it would be better for the user to select it as in some cases users might directly click on Next without going through the form

rupeshparab commented 3 years ago

I have made all fields optional

abaranowska1 commented 3 years ago

Tested with success All fields are optional, there are no required fields. Peek 2020-11-30 11-06

Verified cases:

alexrcabral commented 3 years ago

Thanks @rupeshparab! I do think you made some really valid points. The main problem would be on the student privacy side -- even though students could choose "prefer not to say", it could be construed as being required to fill out personal information. We could revisit it once we have more solid privacy agreements with districts.

When parsing the results we can still have "Choose one" as a separate category to differentiate between students who clicked through and students who actively opted out.