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Controls: Back Button (Demographics) #1517

Open alexrcabral opened 3 years ago

alexrcabral commented 3 years ago

This task defines the back buttons on the demographics page (/userDetails).

Full Mockup

Screenshot of second page of demographics, asking: Grade, Year of Birth, Gender, and Location. At the bottom of the page is a light blue button labelled Back, followed by a light blue button labelled Next.

The above mockup shows the controls in context of the second page of the demographic info (/userDetails). 


The back button should be present on the second and third of the three "pages" of the demographics questions. This should be located to the left of the Next button, with the copy "Back" (Alt Text: "Back"). 

When clicked, the Back button should bring the user to the previous page of the modal. 

Acceptance criteria: 

Given that I'm a user who is filling out information associated with my account, I should encounter the back button on the second and third page of sign up. When I click this, I should be brought back to the previous page in the page order. 

abaranowska1 commented 3 years ago

Tested @rupeshparab The same issue as in #1516. Please move the buttons to the center. The rest is working fine, when I click Back button we are brought back to the previous page. @alexrcabral Which text should be visible on "Back" button, "Back" or "Go Back"? Selection_440 Selection_441

rupeshparab commented 3 years ago

Center aligned the buttons and updated the text to 'Back'

alexrcabral commented 3 years ago

Thanks @rupeshparab, "Back" is correct

abaranowska1 commented 3 years ago

Tested with success Buttons have been centered and button text has been changed to "Back" Selection_453 Selection_452 Selection_454

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