benetech / MathShare

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Support people with dyslexia #153

Open NSoiffer opened 6 years ago

NSoiffer commented 6 years ago


There three possible things we can do in the editor to support people with dyslexia

  1. Synchronized highlighting with speech. This already an issue (#89)
  2. Color code the math
  3. Use special fonts

Capturing what I learned from the 2018 code sprint...

Color coding

I spoke with Jennifer Larson and she wrote up some examples: some simple math with color coding

Sina and I tried to get some rules out of her for implementation. Here are some notes:

Adobe has a color picker for contrasting and complementary colors that might be good to fine tune the colors.

Jennifer later added in email: When a child (with multiple LD’s is learning a new concept- example - - PEMDAS- then its important to layer the color coding. If possible to make these layers or options something to turn off or on.

  1. Layer one would be - color code everything - what was broken down today with the rules.
  2. Layer two - would be to just color code the operation symbols (+, x, - and the division symbol etc. )

We find that once a child is in the rhythm of the problem sets and they are just practicing them for retention, then not all the colors of the numbers are needed.


Early research suggested that specialized fonts for dyslexia were good. Later research questioned this. Here are two papers with info (for reference):

  1. Dyslexie font does not benefit reading in children with or without dyslexia
  2. Good Fonts for Dyslexia

Aha! Link:

johnhbenetech commented 6 years ago

related to #148