benetherington / node-TOM-discord-bot

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Delete messages in #thisweeksf that start with /guess #75

Open benetherington opened 1 year ago

benetherington commented 1 year ago

So that mistakes don't get published

fonji commented 1 year ago

Is this a chore to clean the database, or do you want to avoid storing them in the future? Maybe both?

benetherington commented 1 year ago

Nothing to do with the database. In Discord, it's fairly easy to TRY and trigger a slash command, but instead to send a message. This can result in TWSF guesses that should be spoilered sent as clear text.

For this ticket, I want to monitor messages that are sent in the twsf channel, and delete the ones that look like they might be mistakes.

fonji commented 1 year ago

Aaaaaaah ok you want to automagically delete messages on discord, I see.