[x] we want to place the thumbstick in the lower-left corner, and use it as player movement input (in addition to wasd)
[x] we want the thumbstick to work based on touch events on mobile, but it should also be usable by desktop users via clicking and dragging
[ ] we need an in-game interface for toggling the mobile controls (turning the thumbstick on or off)
[ ] instead of having a right thumbstick, we want the user to touch-and-drag anywhere on the right side of the screen to initiate "looking", where they press and drag around to control their aim direction
[ ] similarly, we want desktop users to emulate this action with their mouse by clicking and dragging when the mobile controls are on
user experience
[ ] the user needs some in-game interface for toggling the mobile controls
[ ] when the mobile controls are activated, the pointer lock system should deactivate
we need to build a good virtual thumbstick for mobile users.
user experience