benfred / implicit

Fast Python Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets
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GPU Inference #394

Closed tRosenflanz closed 3 years ago

tRosenflanz commented 4 years ago

Currently only training seems to work for GPU jobs. Inference should see even higher speed ups since it involves a large number of matrix multiplications. We replaced normal recommend_all with a simple implementation using tensorflow and saw speed ups in 40x+ range with exactly the same results as native implementation. It would be nice if the library supported gpu inference by default

benfred commented 3 years ago

Agreed - this would be awesome to add.

The last time I looked at this, running on the GPU massively sped up the calls to calculate the scores (vector/matrix dot product for a single user , or a matrix multiply for multiple users) - but the time needed to calculate the top-K items from the resulting vectors was really slow so there wasn't much of a win in overall performance. There have been performance improvements to cupy since I last looked back in 2017 - and I think we should come back to this ( ).

To get a speed boost on inference with the existing code, you can use the FaissAlternatingLeastSquares model on the gpu(see ). On the lastfm example running python examples/ --model faiss_als --recommend takes only 3 minutes to the inference on my machine to recommend items for all 360K users vs about an hour with using the cpu inference code.

benfred commented 3 years ago

I added some basic gpu inference routines in #406 . This involves keeping the learned factors on the gpu as cupy arrays (instead of transferring back to host memory immediately) - and then using cupy for the inference routines. On my desktop the recommend/similar_items calls are about 10x faster than the cpu version using numpy. Most of the time is spent in cupy.argpartition - and I think there is some potential for improvement there.

This change ended up being fairly large - since I split the gpu/cpu code entirely into separate models (basically every method with the gpu version needs specialization, and I thought it would be cleaner long run to keep these separate). I've created factory functions with the same API as the previous AlternatingLeastSquares/BayesianPersonalizedRanking functions - so nothing should break with this change though.

tRosenflanz commented 3 years ago

This is great, thank you for adding this!

I had a quick look through the PR but didn't see the method for GPU recommend_all. Did I miss it and it is supported ? Should be even faster than 10x for multiple user batches.

benfred commented 3 years ago

Yeah - I think there are some future work here before we can totally close this out (and do a new release)

I'm wondering about the perf of cp.argpartition compared to the topK support in TF. I ran a test with using cupy to calculate recommendations for a batch of users: this was basically the same speed as calculating the recommendations - and again is bottlenecked on the cp.argpartition call. I'm wondering how much faster the tensorflow 'top_k' function is relative to this.

benfred commented 3 years ago

I ran a bunch of tests comparing the top-k performance of TensorFlow, ArrayFire, faiss, and cupy - and the clear loser in these tests was cupy. While cupy is competitive with tf/faiss for small batch sizes (say querying for 1 row) it doesn't scale up to large batch sizes nearly as well, and for large batch sizes it can be 100x slower than faiss.

I've removed the cupy dependency in and added some custom gpu code to do the top-k lookup. There is still some more work to do to increase the performance of this - but its already 20% faster than the cupy top-k code on the lastfm dataset querying results 1 item at a time, and about 5x faster than cupy with a batch size of a 100. This code is roughly the same as what TF is doing with large K values (> 100) - but we can be smarter about selecting items with small K values here.

benfred commented 3 years ago

There were also further speedups in #460 . Currently on my system this code is about 40x faster than CPU when querying for a single item at a time.

This GPU inference code is included in v0.4.8

We're still missing the recommend_all functionality here (which will have another major speedup) , I'm tracking here now and going to call this issue done.

benfred commented 2 years ago

Things have further sped up by using the blockSelect algorithm from faiss in #506 , and we also have batch mode enabled in all calls here now.