benfry / processing4

Processing 4.x releases for Java 17
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Update to JOGL 2.5 #806

Open sampottinger opened 7 months ago

sampottinger commented 7 months ago

Just flagging that the good folks at JOGL got a 2.5 release out!

benfry commented 7 months ago

Whoa! That's great news, since we're using a custom build at the moment, and it'd be great to replace it. (Fingers crossed that it has the necessary fixes we've patched in.)

sampottinger commented 7 months ago


clankill3r commented 7 months ago

It would be nice to also switch to use the jogamp-fat.jar:

Let me explain why, If you have a project in (eclipse / vscode / ...):


And I have the jar files that come with processing in: C:\Users\clank\Desktop\some_project\libs\processing


Then when running you get the following error:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: C:\Users\clank\Desktop\some_project\natives\windows-amd64\gluegen_rt.dll

The fix would be to move the OS specific folders to a folder called natives in the root of the project. This is not very nice however, and it's much prefered if they can live in the lib folder.

Using jogamp-fat.jar fixes this.