benfry / processing4

Processing 4.x releases for Java 17
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Wrong line numbers in error messages when using .java files #825

Open quirinmeyer opened 4 months ago

quirinmeyer commented 4 months ago
## Description

The Processing IDE reports wrong source code location for a programming error in .java-files

The Processing IDE should change such that errors are reported correctly. This severely degrades the overall usability of the Processing IDE. I degrades programmer's productivity.

Expected Behavior

When I include .java files in my sketch and I make programming errors, I would expect that the Processing IDE shows the errors at the right source code location.

Current Behavior

Instead it reports the error in the same file but with the wrong line number.

Steps to Reproduce

My sketch contains two files:

However, I would have expected the line number of the error not to be 6 and instead be 3.

Your Environment

Possible Causes / Solutions

In the Processing forum, we have already discussed the bug here and concluded to raise an issue on github.