benfry / processing4

Processing 4.x releases for Java 17
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hello constructions in python #831

Open zlfplololo opened 6 months ago

zlfplololo commented 6 months ago

hello developers (of processing) let’s do some opportunity to other developers create some cycles and constructons (construsions like if, else if, else …) im have an workpiece for that

let’s create an match-case like in python

void match(Unlinted what) [!endless case(Unlinted with)] [this.code, this.argument] {
    for (Unlinted i = 0; i <= case.length;i++) {
        if (match.argument == case[i].argument || case[i].argument == null) {

this will be like that

match ("youre argument1") {
    // this part of code just ignores
} case ("youre argument2") {
    // match-case do this part of code and go out of match-case, if youre argument1 == youre 
    // argument2
} case ("youre argument3") {
    // same as first case but youre argument 2 is youre argument 3
    // and so forth
} case (null) {
    // this part of code be fulfilled Necessarily

and now analysis of the incomprehensible

//Unlinted tipe
//this tipe is tipe for unlinted tipe of variable

// void [] []

// first [] is tipes of additional constructions like else if and else for if
// also !endless and endless is types of additional constructions
// !endless is not break the constuction after doing
// endless is break the constuction after doing
// enother part of first [] is name of additional construction and arguments

// second [] is a code and argument notation
// first is code and second is arguments

// eval just do code in quotes 

this is just this wery useful construcion for writing code and will attract the other programers, thanx😊

zlfplololo commented 6 months ago