bengmathew / tpaw
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Shiller's data until June #4

Closed michielveen closed 11 months ago

michielveen commented 11 months ago

Not really a bug but there is an additional 3 months of data available on

Earnings: The ten year average real annual earnings of the S&P 500 from April 2013 to March 2023 was $143.91. This data was obtained from the "US Stock Markets 1871 - Present and CAPE Ratio" spreadsheet available on Professor Robert Shiller's [website]

bengmathew commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the heads up. We've updated the data. The new data should show up on the website after the next S&P500 update (so after market close on Monday).

michielveen commented 6 months ago

Data until the end of 2023 available here

bengmathew commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the heads up. Data has been updated.

michielveen commented 2 months ago

Data until the end of Q124 available at

bengmathew commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the heads up. This update is a going to be a bit delayed. I expect to get it done in the first week of August.

bengmathew commented 1 month ago

The data has been updated.