bengottlieb / Twitter-OAuth-iPhone

An easy way to get Twitter authenticating with OAuth on iPhone
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Twitter-oAuth-IPhone : Which function on Login Success : twits of followings #65

Closed amitbattan closed 13 years ago

amitbattan commented 13 years ago

Hi All

I am using Twitter-oAuth-IPhone

Login using this code

if(![twitterObj isAuthorized]){
    UIViewController *controller = [SA_OAuthTwitterController controllerToEnterCredentialsWithTwitterEngine:twitterObj delegate:self];
    NSLog(@"twitter 1");

    if (controller){
        NSLog(@"twitter 2");
        [[self objectForKey:@"self"] presentModalViewController: controller animated: YES];

I have 2 questions

Amit Battan

amitbattan commented 13 years ago

I want to do some code on login success and login fail.... in which function should I code - (void) storeCachedTwitterOAuthData: (NSString ) data forUsername: (NSString ) username

Which function return me the my home page updates i.e twits of followings getFollowedTimelineSinceID