bengottlieb / Twitter-OAuth-iPhone

An easy way to get Twitter authenticating with OAuth on iPhone
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application with callback url problem #91

Open daidai opened 12 years ago

daidai commented 12 years ago

If the Twitter application has a callback URL it doesn't finish authenticating and self closing, it redirects to the URL. If I remove the callback URL it works perfectly.

adriaant commented 12 years ago

You should actually use the callback url. It's the most user-friendly approach. See

daidai commented 12 years ago

I dont want to redirect though, I want the modal display to dismiss itself.

adriaant commented 12 years ago

That's the trick, you catch the redirect request and instead of redirecting you grab the info from the redirect URL and complete the registration. Then you can just dismiss the modal. More info is in the blog post linked to from the github page I mentioned.

pixeled commented 12 years ago

I'm in the same boat- (twitter callback is required for Android app)

short of using a WHOLE NEW LIBRARY (OAuthWithCallback), what's the magic to feed the extracted auth data from the callback, and put it into this library?