bengrunfeld / expack

Express and Webpack boilerplate application
MIT License
284 stars 76 forks source link

hot module reloading #11

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago

WHen make changes in html file. browser changes gets reflected after manual refresh.

moiz-frost commented 5 years ago


Archeelux commented 5 years ago

Bump, same

mingcaocao commented 5 years ago


ZerdoX-x commented 4 years ago

Same. I killed about two days on it. Problem in html-webpack-plugin I guess. Anyway it can't properly work with HMR. I found some solutions for webpack-dev-server, but not for webpack-dev-middleware.

garyiacobucci commented 1 year ago

Glad I'm not the only one, everything else is working great except HMR.