bengrunfeld / expack

Express and Webpack boilerplate application
MIT License
284 stars 76 forks source link

error 'console' is not defined #4

Closed nuovecode closed 5 years ago

nuovecode commented 5 years ago

Hi Ben, your boilerplate works fine! thanks for sharing. I'm receiving this error during the dev build (seems to me doesn't compromise the funcrioning):

1:27  error  Unexpected console statement  no-console
1:27  error  'console' is not defined
bengrunfeld commented 5 years ago

Glad to hear that you like it! Yes, this error is being generated by ESLint and is expected behavior. If you want to suppress this error in the linter, you can use // eslint-disable-line no-undef on the same line as the console log statement. Otherwise, you can just change the code the not use a console.log statement. Best if you read up about linting though, since it's a powerful tool that can really help you write better code. Have a great day!! 😁