benharri / blog

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utterances #3

Open utterances-bot opened 5 years ago

utterances-bot commented 5 years ago


audiodude commented 5 years ago

This is cool, but the github interface doesn't match the style of the blog at all!

benharri commented 5 years ago

gah I know I tried to style it to be dark but I haven't had any luck .

then I loaded it in my browser with darkreader enabled and it looked great.

maybe I should copy the styles from that...

audiodude commented 5 years ago

The problem is probably that the comment boxes and everything are in an iframe. Not sure how to target iframe styles from the outer frame, I've never done that before.

benharri commented 5 years ago

seems to be something that's on the radar. i tried applying the styles generated by darkreader

benharri commented 5 years ago

Yep that's exactly it. There's an open issue about theming, so we'll see what happens.

benharri commented 5 years ago

woohoo!!!! totally forgot about this and then got an email about the issue on the utterances repo. dark theme baby!

audiodude commented 5 years ago


cblte commented 3 years ago

this is really really great and i will use it for my next blog. this is great. thanks for blogging it.