benhowdle89 / deSVG

Remove inline SVG bloat from your HTML document
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Style attributes #1

Open roryashfordbentley opened 9 years ago

roryashfordbentley commented 9 years ago

Playing around with this some more I have noticed that SVG's can store style attributes in a multitude of places other that 'paths'. As an example:

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" width="299" height="35" viewBox="0 0 299 35" class="replace-svg replaced-svg">
      .cls-2 {
        fill: #ef492e;
  <path d="" id="path-1" class="cls-2"></path>

There are also shape elements (<circle>, <ellipse>, <line>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>) which can contain style tags. There may be others too from this list:

The above svg code was generated by Adobe3 Photoshop CC 2014 using the Extract Assets function.

roryashfordbentley commented 9 years ago

This may be a better option:

function removeStyles(el) {

    if(el.childNodes.length > 0) {
        for(var child in el.childNodes) {
             /* filter element nodes only */
             if(el.childNodes[child].nodeType == 1)

Nicked from here:

roryashfordbentley commented 9 years ago

Just to throw yet another spanner in the works style can be set using a <style> element as well as an attribute.