benhuff / random_geospatial

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Open benhuff opened 1 year ago

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S1 Preprocessing for Analysis Ready Data Border Noise Correction

/* File: border_noise_correction.js
Version: v1.1
Date: 2021-03-11
Authors: Adopted from Hird et al. 2017 Remote Sensing (supplementary material):
Description: This script applied additional border noise correction */

var helper = require('users/benhuffwork/s1_ard:utilities');

// Additional Border Noise Removal
/** (mask out angles >= 45.23993) */
var maskAngLT452 = function(image) {
 var ang =['angle']);
 return image.updateMask('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));

/** Function to mask out edges of images using angle.
 * (mask out angles <= 30.63993) */
var maskAngGT30 = function(image) {
 var ang =['angle']);
 return image.updateMask('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));

/** Remove edges.*/
var maskEdge = function(image) {
  var mask =, 5).multiply(255).toByte()//.connectedComponents(ee.Kernel.rectangle(1,1), 100);
  return image.updateMask('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));  

/** Mask edges. This function requires that the input image has one VH or VV band, and an 'angle' bands.  */
exports.f_mask_edges = function(image) {
  var db_img = helper.lin_to_db(image)
  var output = maskAngGT30(db_img);
  output = maskAngLT452(output);
  //output = maskEdge(output);
  output = helper.db_to_lin(output);
  return output.set('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));

Speckle Filter

/* File: speckle_filter.js
Version: v1.1
Date: 2021-03-11
Authors: Mullissa A., Vollrath A., Braun, C., Slagter B., Balling J., Gou Y., Gorelick N.,  Reiche J.
Description: This script contains functions for implementing both monotemporal and multi-temporal speckle filters */

// Boxcar filter
/** Applies boxcar filter on every image in the collection. */
var boxcar = function(image, KERNEL_SIZE) {
    var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
    // Define a boxcar kernel
    var kernel = ee.Kernel.square({radius: (KERNEL_SIZE/2), units: 'pixels', normalize: true});
    // Apply boxcar
    var output =;
  return image.addBands(output, null, true)

// Lee filter 
/** Lee Filter applied to one image. It is implemented as described in 
 J. S. Lee, “Digital image enhancement and noise filtering by use of local statistics,” 
 IEEE Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-2, pp. 165–168, Mar. 1980.*/

var leefilter = function(image,KERNEL_SIZE) {
        var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
        //S1-GRD images are multilooked 5 times in range
        var enl = 5
        // Compute the speckle standard deviation
        var eta = 1.0/Math.sqrt(enl); 
        eta = ee.Image.constant(eta);

        // MMSE estimator
        // Neighbourhood mean and variance
        var oneImg = ee.Image.constant(1);

        var reducers = ee.Reducer.mean().combine({
                      reducer2: ee.Reducer.variance(),
                      sharedInputs: true
        var stats ={reducer: reducers,kernel: ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE/2,'pixels'), optimization: 'window'})
        var meanBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_mean')});
        var varBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_variance')});

        var z_bar =;
        var varz =;

        // Estimate weight 
        var varx = (varz.subtract(z_bar.pow(2).multiply(eta.pow(2)))).divide(oneImg.add(eta.pow(2)));
        var b = varx.divide(varz);

        //if b is negative set it to zero
        var new_b = b.where(, 0)
        var output = oneImg.subtract(new_b).multiply(z_bar.abs()).add(new_b.multiply(;
        output = output.rename(bandNames);
        return image.addBands(output, null, true);

// GAMMA MAP filter 
/** Gamma Maximum a-posterior Filter applied to one image. It is implemented as described in 
Lopes A., Nezry, E., Touzi, R., and Laur, H., 1990.  Maximum A Posteriori Speckle Filtering and First Order texture Models in SAR Images.  
International  Geoscience  and  Remote  Sensing  Symposium (IGARSS).  */

var gammamap =  function(image,KERNEL_SIZE) { 
        var enl = 5;
        var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
        //Neighbourhood stats
        var reducers = ee.Reducer.mean().combine({
                      reducer2: ee.Reducer.stdDev(),
                      sharedInputs: true
        var stats ={reducer: reducers,kernel: ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE/2,'pixels'), optimization: 'window'})
        var meanBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_mean')});
        var stdDevBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_stdDev')});

        var z =;
        var sigz =;

        // local observed coefficient of variation
        var ci = sigz.divide(z);
        // noise coefficient of variation (or noise sigma)
        var cu = 1.0/Math.sqrt(enl);
        // threshold for the observed coefficient of variation
        var cmax = Math.sqrt(2.0) * cu

        cu = ee.Image.constant(cu);
        cmax = ee.Image.constant(cmax);
        var enlImg = ee.Image.constant(enl);
        var oneImg = ee.Image.constant(1);
        var twoImg = ee.Image.constant(2);

        var alpha = oneImg.add(cu.pow(2)).divide(ci.pow(2).subtract(cu.pow(2)));

        //Implements the Gamma MAP filter described in equation 11 in Lopez et al. 1990
        var q ="z**2 * (z * alpha - enl - 1)**2 + 4 * alpha * enl * b() * z", {z: z, alpha: alpha,enl: enl})
        var rHat = z.multiply(alpha.subtract(enlImg).subtract(oneImg)).add(q.sqrt()).divide(twoImg.multiply(alpha));

        //if ci <= cu then its a homogenous region ->> boxcar filter
        var zHat = (z.updateMask(ci.lte(cu))).rename(bandNames)
        //if cmax > ci > cu then its a textured medium ->> apply Gamma MAP filter
        rHat = (rHat.updateMask(
        //if ci>=cmax then its strong signal ->> retain
        var x =

        // Merge
        var output = ee.ImageCollection([zHat,rHat,x]).sum();
        return image.addBands(output, null, true);

// Refined Lee filter 
/** This filter is modified from the implementation by Guido Lemoine 
 * Source: Lemoine et al.; */

var refinedLee = function(image) {

    var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');

    var result = ee.ImageCollection({
    var img =[b]);

    // img must be linear, i.e. not in dB!
    // Set up 3x3 kernels 
    var weights3 = ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(1,3),3);
    var kernel3 = ee.Kernel.fixed(3,3, weights3, 1, 1, false);

    var mean3 = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), kernel3);
    var variance3 = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), kernel3);

    // Use a sample of the 3x3 windows inside a 7x7 windows to determine gradients and directions
    var sample_weights = ee.List([[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]);

    var sample_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, sample_weights, 3,3, false);

    // Calculate mean and variance for the sampled windows and store as 9 bands
    var sample_mean = mean3.neighborhoodToBands(sample_kernel); 
    var sample_var = variance3.neighborhoodToBands(sample_kernel);

    // Determine the 4 gradients for the sampled windows
    var gradients =;
    gradients = gradients.addBands(;
    gradients = gradients.addBands(;
    gradients = gradients.addBands(;

    // And find the maximum gradient amongst gradient bands
    var max_gradient = gradients.reduce(ee.Reducer.max());

    // Create a mask for band pixels that are the maximum gradient
    var gradmask = gradients.eq(max_gradient);

    // duplicate gradmask bands: each gradient represents 2 directions
    gradmask = gradmask.addBands(gradmask);

    // Determine the 8 directions
    var directions =;
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    // The next 4 are the not() of the previous 4
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    directions = directions.addBands(;
    directions = directions.addBands(;

    // Mask all values that are not 1-8
    directions = directions.updateMask(gradmask);

    // "collapse" the stack into a singe band image (due to masking, each pixel has just one value (1-8) in it's directional band, and is otherwise masked)
    directions = directions.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum());  

    //var pal = ['ffffff','ff0000','ffff00', '00ff00', '00ffff', '0000ff', 'ff00ff', '000000'];
    //Map.addLayer(directions.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum()), {min:1, max:8, palette: pal}, 'Directions', false);

    var sample_stats = sample_var.divide(sample_mean.multiply(sample_mean));

    // Calculate localNoiseVariance
    var sigmaV = sample_stats.toArray().arraySort().arraySlice(0,0,5).arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.mean(), [0]);

    // Set up the 7*7 kernels for directional statistics
    var rect_weights = ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(0,7),3).cat(ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(1,7),4));

    var diag_weights = ee.List([[1,0,0,0,0,0,0], [1,1,0,0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,0,0,0,0], 
      [1,1,1,1,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1]]);

    var rect_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, rect_weights, 3, 3, false);
    var diag_kernel = ee.Kernel.fixed(7,7, diag_weights, 3, 3, false);

    // Create stacks for mean and variance using the original kernels. Mask with relevant direction.
    var dir_mean = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), rect_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(1));
    var dir_var = img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), rect_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(1));

    dir_mean = dir_mean.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), diag_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(2)));
    dir_var = dir_var.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), diag_kernel).updateMask(directions.eq(2)));

    // and add the bands for rotated kernels
    for (var i=1; i<4; i++) {
      dir_mean = dir_mean.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), rect_kernel.rotate(i)).updateMask(directions.eq(2*i+1)));
      dir_var = dir_var.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), rect_kernel.rotate(i)).updateMask(directions.eq(2*i+1)));
      dir_mean = dir_mean.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.mean(), diag_kernel.rotate(i)).updateMask(directions.eq(2*i+2)));
      dir_var = dir_var.addBands(img.reduceNeighborhood(ee.Reducer.variance(), diag_kernel.rotate(i)).updateMask(directions.eq(2*i+2)));

    // "collapse" the stack into a single band image (due to masking, each pixel has just one value in it's directional band, and is otherwise masked)
    dir_mean = dir_mean.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum());
    dir_var = dir_var.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum());

    // A finally generate the filtered value
    var varX = dir_var.subtract(dir_mean.multiply(dir_mean).multiply(sigmaV)).divide(sigmaV.add(1.0));

    var b = varX.divide(dir_var);

    return dir_mean.add(b.multiply(img.subtract(dir_mean)))
      // Get a multi-band image bands.
  return image.addBands(result, null, true) 
// Improved Lee Sigma filter 
/** Implements the improved lee sigma filter to one image. 
It is implemented as described in, Lee, J.-S.; Wen, J.-H.; Ainsworth, T.L.; Chen, K.-S.; Chen, A.J. Improved sigma filter for speckle filtering of SAR imagery. 
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 2009, 47, 202–213. */

var leesigma = function(image,KERNEL_SIZE) {
        var Tk = ee.Image.constant(7); //number of bright pixels in a 3x3 window
        var sigma = 0.9;
        var enl = 4;
        var target_kernel = 3;
        var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');

        //compute the 98 percentile intensity 
        var z98 ={
                reducer: ee.Reducer.percentile([98]),
                geometry: image.geometry(),

        //select the strong scatterers to retain
        var brightPixel =;
        var K = brightPixel.reduceNeighborhood({reducer: ee.Reducer.countDistinctNonNull()
                            ,kernel: ee.Kernel.square((target_kernel/2) ,'pixels')}); 
        var retainPixel = K.gte(Tk);

        //compute the a-priori mean within a 3x3 local window
        //original noise standard deviation
        var eta = 1.0/Math.sqrt(enl);
        eta = ee.Image.constant(eta);
        //MMSE applied to estimate the a-priori mean
        var reducers = ee.Reducer.mean().combine({
                      reducer2: ee.Reducer.variance(),
                      sharedInputs: true
        var stats ={reducer: reducers,kernel: ee.Kernel.square(target_kernel/2,'pixels'), optimization: 'window'})
        var meanBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_mean')});
        var varBand ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_variance')});
        var z_bar =;
        var varz =;

        var oneImg = ee.Image.constant(1);
        var varx = (varz.subtract(z_bar.abs().pow(2).multiply(eta.pow(2)))).divide(oneImg.add(eta.pow(2)));
        var b = varx.divide(varz);
        var xTilde = oneImg.subtract(b).multiply(z_bar.abs()).add(b.multiply(;

        //step 3: compute the sigma range
        // Lookup table (J.S.Lee et al 2009) for range and eta values for intensity (only 4 look is shown here)
        var LUT = ee.Dictionary({0.5: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.694,'I2': 1.385,'eta': 0.1921}),
                                 0.6: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.630,'I2': 1.495,'eta': 0.2348}),
                                 0.7: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.560,'I2': 1.627,'eta': 0.2825}),
                                 0.8: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.480,'I2': 1.804,'eta': 0.3354}),
                                 0.9: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.378,'I2': 2.094,'eta': 0.3991}),
                                 0.95: ee.Dictionary({'I1': 0.302,'I2': 2.360,'eta': 0.4391})});

        // extract data from lookup
        var sigmaImage = ee.Dictionary(LUT.get(String(sigma))).toImage();
        var I1 ='I1');
        var I2 ='I2');
        //new speckle sigma
        var nEta ='eta');
        //establish the sigma ranges
        I1 = I1.multiply(xTilde);
        I2 = I2.multiply(xTilde);

        //step 3: apply the minimum mean square error (MMSE) filter for pixels in the sigma range
        // MMSE estimator
        var mask =;
        var z =;

        stats = z.reduceNeighborhood({reducer: reducers,kernel: ee.Kernel.square(KERNEL_SIZE/2,'pixels'), optimization: 'window'})

        z_bar =;
        varz =;

        varx = (varz.subtract(z_bar.abs().pow(2).multiply(nEta.pow(2)))).divide(oneImg.add(nEta.pow(2)));
        b = varx.divide(varz);
        //if b is negative set it to zero
        var new_b = b.where(, 0);
        var xHat = oneImg.subtract(new_b).multiply(z_bar.abs()).add(new_b.multiply(z));

        // remove the applied masks and merge the retained pixels and the filtered pixels
        xHat =;
        var output = ee.Image(xHat).rename(bandNames);
  return image.addBands(output, null, true);

// 4. Mono-temporal speckle filter 

/** Mono-temporal speckle Filter   */
exports.MonoTemporal_Filter = function(coll,KERNEL_SIZE, SPECKLE_FILTER) {

  var _filter = function(image) {

      var _filtered = boxcar(image, KERNEL_SIZE);
    } else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='LEE'){
        _filtered = leefilter(image, KERNEL_SIZE);
    } else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='GAMMA MAP'){
        _filtered = gammamap(image, KERNEL_SIZE);
    } else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='REFINED LEE'){
        _filtered = refinedLee(image);
    } else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='LEE SIGMA'){
        _filtered = leesigma(image, KERNEL_SIZE);}
  return _filtered;
// 4. Multi-temporal speckle filter
/* The following Multi-temporal speckle filters are implemented as described in
S. Quegan and J. J. Yu, “Filtering of multichannel SAR images,” 
IEEE Trans Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 39, Nov. 2001.*/

/** Multi-temporal boxcar Filter.  */
exports.MultiTemporal_Filter = function(coll,KERNEL_SIZE, SPECKLE_FILTER,NR_OF_IMAGES) {

var Quegan = function(image) {

    /* this function will filter the collection used for the multi-temporal part
     it takes care of:
        - same image geometry (i.e relative orbit)
        - full overlap of image
        - amount of images taken for filtering 
            -- all before
           -- if not enough, images taken after the image to filter are added */
    var setresample = function (image){
        return image.resample();

    var get_filtered_collection = function (image){

      // filter collection over are and by relative orbit
      var s1_coll = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT')
                .filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW'))
                .filter(ee.Filter.listContains('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', ee.List(image.get('transmitterReceiverPolarisation')).get(-1)))
                // we need to get this from the image
                //.filter(ee.Filter.and(ee.Filter.eq('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VH'),ee.Filter.eq('transmitterReceiverPolarisation', 'VH')) )
                // we filter for both because of potential change in orbit number around the Equator
                    ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_stop', image.get('relativeOrbitNumber_stop')),
                    ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_stop', image.get('relativeOrbitNumber_start'))

      // a function that takes the image and checks for the overlap
      var check_overlap = function(_image){
          // get all S1 frames from this date intersecting with the image bounds
          var s1 = s1_coll.filterDate(,, 'day'))
          // intersect those images with the image to filter
          var intersect = image.geometry().intersection(s1.geometry().dissolve(), 10)
          // check if intersect is sufficient
          var valid_date = ee.Algorithms.If(
          return ee.Feature(null, {'date': valid_date})

      // this function will pick up the acq dates for fully overlapping acquisitions before the image acquistion
      var dates_before = s1_coll.filterDate('2014-01-01',, 'day'))
        .sort('system:time_start', false).limit(5*NR_OF_IMAGES)
        // we check for overlap and sort out partly overlping acquisitions

      // if the images before are not enough, we add images from after the image acquisition 
      // this will only be the case at the beginning of S1 mission
      var dates = ee.List(
          dates_before.slice(0, NR_OF_IMAGES),
            .filterDate(, '2100-01-01')
            .sort('system:time_start', true).limit(5*NR_OF_IMAGES)
            .cat(dates_before).distinct().sort().slice(0, NR_OF_IMAGES)

      // now we re-filter the collection to get the right acquisitions for multi-temporal filtering
      return ee.ImageCollection({
        return s1_coll.filterDate(date, ee.Date(date).advance(1,'day')).toList(s1_coll.size())


  // we get our dedicated image collection for that image
  var s1 = get_filtered_collection(image)

  var bands = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
  s1 =
  var meanBands ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_mean')});
  var ratioBands ={return ee.String(bandName).cat('_ratio')});
  var count_img = s1.reduce(ee.Reducer.count());
  //estimate means and ratios
  var inner = function(image){
      var _filtered = boxcar(image, KERNEL_SIZE).select(bands).rename(meanBands); }
    else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='LEE'){
      _filtered = leefilter(image, KERNEL_SIZE).select(bands).rename(meanBands);}
    else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='GAMMA MAP'){
      _filtered = gammamap(image, KERNEL_SIZE).select(bands).rename(meanBands);} 
      _filtered = refinedLee(image).select(bands).rename(meanBands);} 
    else if (SPECKLE_FILTER=='LEE SIGMA'){
      _filtered = leesigma(image, KERNEL_SIZE).select(bands).rename(meanBands);}

    var _ratio =; 
  return _filtered.addBands(_ratio);
  //perform Quegans filter
  var isum =;
  var filter = inner(image).select(meanBands);
  var divide = filter.divide(count_img);
  var output = divide.multiply(isum).rename(bands);

  return image.addBands(output, null, true)


Radiometric Terrain Correction

// Terrain Flattening
/* Vollrath, A., Mullissa, A., & Reiche, J. (2020). Angular-Based Radiometric Slope Correction for Sentinel-1 on Google Earth Engine. 
Remote Sensing, 12(11), [1867].
exports.slope_correction = function(collection, TERRAIN_FLATTENING_MODEL, 
                                              TERRAIN_FLATTENING_ADDITIONAL_LAYOVER_SHADOW_BUFFER) {

  var ninetyRad = ee.Image.constant(90).multiply(Math.PI/180);

  var _volumetric_model_SCF = function(theta_iRad, alpha_rRad) {
      // Volume model
      var nominator = (ninetyRad.subtract(theta_iRad).add(alpha_rRad)).tan();
      var denominator = (ninetyRad.subtract(theta_iRad)).tan();
      return nominator.divide(denominator);

  var _direct_model_SCF = function(theta_iRad, alpha_rRad, alpha_azRad) {
      // Surface model
      var nominator = (ninetyRad.subtract(theta_iRad)).cos();
      var denominator = alpha_azRad.cos()
      return nominator.divide(denominator);

  var _erode = function(image, distance)  {
     // buffer function (thanks Noel)
      var d = (image.not().unmask(1)

      return image.updateMask(;

  var _masking = function(alpha_rRad, theta_iRad, buffer){
        // calculate masks
        // layover, where slope > radar viewing angle
        var layover ='layover');
        // shadow
        var shadow ='shadow');
        // combine layover and shadow
        var mask = layover.and(shadow);
        // add buffer to final mask
        if (buffer > 0)
            mask = _erode(mask, buffer);
        return mask.rename('no_data_mask');

  var _correct = function(image) {
        var bandNames = image.bandNames();
        // get the image geometry and projection
        var geom = image.geometry()
        var proj =

        var elevation = DEM.resample('bilinear').reproject({crs:proj, scale:10}).clip(geom)

        // calculate the look direction
        var heading = (ee.Terrain.aspect('angle'))

        // in case of null values for heading replace with 0
        heading = ee.Dictionary(heading).combine({aspect: 0}, false).get('aspect')

        heading = ee.Algorithms.If(
        // the numbering follows the article chapters
        // 2.1.1 Radar geometry 
        var theta_iRad ='angle').multiply(Math.PI/180)
        var phi_iRad = ee.Image.constant(heading).multiply(Math.PI/180)

        // 2.1.2 Terrain geometry
        var alpha_sRad = ee.Terrain.slope(elevation).select('slope').multiply(Math.PI / 180)

        // aspect (-180 to 180)
        var aspect = ee.Terrain.aspect(elevation).select('aspect').clip(geom)

        // we need to subtract 360 degree from all values above 180 degree
        var aspect_minus = aspect

        // we fill the aspect layer with the subtracted values from aspect_minus
        var phi_sRad = aspect
          .add(aspect_minus.unmask()) //add the minus values
          .multiply(-1)   // make aspect uphill
          .multiply(Math.PI / 180) // make it rad

        // we get the height, for export 
        var height = DEM.reproject(proj).clip(geom)

        // 2.1.3 Model geometry
        //reduce to 3 angle
        var phi_rRad = phi_iRad.subtract(phi_sRad)

        // slope steepness in range (eq. 2)
        var alpha_rRad = (alpha_sRad.tan().multiply(phi_rRad.cos())).atan()

        // slope steepness in azimuth (eq 3)
        var alpha_azRad = (alpha_sRad.tan().multiply(phi_rRad.sin())).atan()

        // local incidence angle (eq. 4)
        var theta_liaRad = (alpha_azRad.cos().multiply((theta_iRad.subtract(alpha_rRad)).cos())).acos()
        var theta_liaDeg = theta_liaRad.multiply(180/Math.PI)

        // 2.2 
        // Gamma_nought
        var gamma0 = image.divide(theta_iRad.cos())

            // Volumetric Model
            var scf = _volumetric_model_SCF(theta_iRad, alpha_rRad)

            var scf = _direct_model_SCF(theta_iRad, alpha_rRad, alpha_azRad)
        // apply model for Gamm0
        var gamma0_flat = gamma0.multiply(scf)

        // get Layover/Shadow mask
        var mask = _masking(alpha_rRad, theta_iRad, TERRAIN_FLATTENING_ADDITIONAL_LAYOVER_SHADOW_BUFFER);

        var output = gamma0_flat.mask(mask).rename(bandNames).copyProperties(image);

        output = ee.Image(output).addBands('angle'),null,true);

        return output.set('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start')); 


// File: utilities.js
// Version: v1.2
// Date: 2021-02-11
// Authors: Mullissa A., Vollrath A.,  Reiche J., Slagter B., Balling J. , Gou Y., Braun, C.

// Linear to db scale 

/** Convert backscatter from linear to dB. */
exports.lin_to_db = function(image) {
  var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
  var db = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(
  return image.addBands(db, null, true)

/** Convert backscatter from linear to dB. */
exports.db_to_lin = function(image) {
  var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
  var lin = ee.Image.constant(10).pow(
  return image.addBands(lin, null, true)

/*Converts the linear image to db by excluding the ratio bands */
exports.lin_to_db2 = function(image) {
  var db = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(['VV', 'VH']).log10()).rename(['VV', 'VH']);
  return image.addBands(db, null, true)

// Prepare ratio band for linear image
exports.add_ratio_lin = function(image){
      var ratio = image.addBands('VV').divide('VH')).rename('VVVH_ratio'));
      return ratio.set('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'))

// Export assets
var get_options = function(def, options) {
  // default values if undefined
  if (options !== undefined) {
    var opt = options
    for (var key in def) {
      var value = def[key]
      if (opt[key] === undefined) {opt[key] = value}
  } else {var opt = def}
  return opt

/*exports individual images to an asset. 
adopted from */
var Download = {'ImageCollection': {}, 'Table': {}}
Download.ImageCollection.toAsset = function(collection, assetFolder, options) {
  var root =[0]['id']
  var folder = assetFolder
  if (folder !== null && folder !== undefined) {
    var assetFolder = root+'/'+folder ;
  } else {
    var assetFolder = root
  var defaults = {
      name: null,
      scale: 1000,
      maxPixels: 1e13,
      region: null,
  var opt = get_options(defaults, options)
  var n = collection.size().getInfo();

  var colList = collection.toList(n);

  var colID = || collection.getInfo()['id'] || "ImageCollection"
  colID = colID.replace('/','_')

  for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    var img = ee.Image(colList.get(i));
    var id = || 'image_'+i.toString();
    var region = opt.region || img.geometry().bounds().getInfo()["coordinates"];

      image: img,
      description: id,
      assetId: assetFolder+colID+'_'+id,
      region: region,
      scale: opt.scale,
      maxPixels: opt.maxPixels})

exports.Download = Download;


// make two identical s1 collections, one dB and one Linear
var grdFloat = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD_FLOAT')
        .filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW'))
        .filter(ee.Filter.eq('resolution_meters', 10))
        .filter('2014-10-01', '2023-04-01'))
        .select(['VV', 'angle']);

var grd = ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S1_GRD')
        .filter(ee.Filter.eq('instrumentMode', 'IW'))
        .filter(ee.Filter.eq('resolution_meters', 10))
        .filter('2014-10-01', '2023-04-01'))
        .map(function(image) {
          var edge =;
          var maskedImage = image.mask().and(edge.not());
          return image.updateMask(maskedImage);
        .select(['VV', 'angle']);

// filter based on pass
var desc = grd.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', 'DESCENDING'));
var asc = grd.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', 'ASCENDING'));
print('ASCENDING pass contains ', asc.size(), 'images');
print('DESCENDING pass contains ', desc.size(), 'images');

// determine which pass has the most observations
var flag = ee.Number(desc.size()).gt(ee.Number(asc.size()));  // if you want the opposite pass for some reason just change gt to lt
var s = ee.Algorithms.If(flag, "DESCENDING", "ASCENDING");
print(s, 'is the most complete pass.');

// make a collection with that pass
var s1_pass = grd.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', s));

// get the orbits in that pass
var orbits = s1_pass.aggregate_array('relativeOrbitNumber_start').distinct();
print('Orbits:', orbits);

// for each orbit, make a feature collection with the image footprints
var orbitFeatureCollections = {
  var s1_pass_orbit = s1_pass.filter(ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_start', n));
  var s1_pass_orbit_footprints = ee.FeatureCollection(s1_pass_orbit.aggregate_array('system:footprint').map(function(f) {
    return ee.Feature(ee.Geometry(f));
  return s1_pass_orbit_footprints;

Map.centerObject(geometry2, 16);

// UPDATE: need to change the next lines depending on the number of orbits
Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection(orbitFeatureCollections.get(0)), {color:'blue'}, ee.Number(orbits.get(0)).int().format().getInfo(), false);
Map.addLayer(ee.FeatureCollection(orbitFeatureCollections.get(1)), {color:'red'}, ee.Number(orbits.get(1)).int().format().getInfo(), false);

// now get the image collections for these orbits
// UPDATE: need to change the next lines depending on the number of orbits
var s1_pass_orbit0 = s1_pass.filter(ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_start', orbits.get(0)));
var s1_pass_orbit1 = s1_pass.filter(ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_start', orbits.get(1)));

// UPDATE: print some information about these orbital collections
// get the number of images.
print('Orbit #: ', orbits.get(0));
var s1_pass_orbit0_count = s1_pass_orbit0.size();
print('Count: ', s1_pass_orbit0_count);
// get the date range of images in the collection.
var s1_pass_orbit0_range = s1_pass_orbit0.reduceColumns(ee.Reducer.minMax(), ['system:time_start']);
print('Date range: ', ee.Date(s1_pass_orbit0_range.get('min')), ee.Date(s1_pass_orbit0_range.get('max')));

// get the number of images.
print('Orbit #: ', orbits.get(1));
var s1_pass_orbit1_count = s1_pass_orbit1.size();
print('Count: ', s1_pass_orbit1_count);
// get the date range of images in the collection.
var s1_pass_orbit1_range = s1_pass_orbit1.reduceColumns(ee.Reducer.minMax(), ['system:time_start']);
print('Date range: ', ee.Date(s1_pass_orbit1_range.get('min')), ee.Date(s1_pass_orbit1_range.get('max')));

// add median composites of the orbits to the map for reference
Map.addLayer(s1_pass_orbit0.first().select('VV'), {min:-20, max:0, palette: ['#023858', '#045d92', '#1379b5', '#519bc6', '#91b4d6', '#c4cbe3', '#e8e4f0', '#fff7fb']}, ee.String('Raw Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(0)).int().format()).getInfo(), false);
Map.addLayer(s1_pass_orbit1.first().select('VV'), {min:-20, max:0, palette: ['#023858', '#045d92', '#1379b5', '#519bc6', '#91b4d6', '#c4cbe3', '#e8e4f0', '#fff7fb']}, ee.String('Raw Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(1)).int().format()).getInfo(), false);

// border noise correction, speckle filtering, and terrain correction on each collection
var speckle_filter = require('users/benhuffwork/s1_ard:speckle_filter');
var terrain_flattening = require('users/benhuffwork/s1_ard:terrain_flattening');
var border_noise_correction = require('users/benhuffwork/s1_ard:border_noise_correction');

var s1_float_pass = grdFloat.filter(ee.Filter.eq('orbitProperties_pass', s));

var s1_float_pass_orbit0 = s1_float_pass.filter(ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_start', orbits.get(0)));
var s1_float_pass_orbit1 = s1_float_pass.filter(ee.Filter.eq('relativeOrbitNumber_start', orbits.get(1)));

// border noise correction
var s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc =; 
var s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc =; 
print('Border noise correction completed...');

// mono-temporal speckle filtering
var s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf = ee.ImageCollection(speckle_filter.MonoTemporal_Filter(s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc, 5, 'REFINED LEE'));
var s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf = ee.ImageCollection(speckle_filter.MonoTemporal_Filter(s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc, 5, 'REFINED LEE'));
print('Mono-temporal speckle filtering completed...');

// radiometric terrain correction
var dem = ee.Image('USGS/SRTMGL1_003');
var s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf_rtc = ee.ImageCollection(terrain_flattening.slope_correction(s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf, 'VOLUME', dem, 0));
var s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf_rtc = ee.ImageCollection(terrain_flattening.slope_correction(s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf, 'VOLUME', dem, 0));
print('Radiometric terrain correction completed...');

// convert the linear images to dB
var s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf_rtc_db = {
  var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
  var db = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(;
  return image.addBands(db, null, true);

var s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf_rtc_db = {
  var bandNames = image.bandNames().remove('angle');
  var db = ee.Image.constant(10).multiply(;
  return image.addBands(db, null, true);

// clip to aoi
var s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf_rtc_db_clip = {
  return image.clip(geometry2);

var s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf_rtc_db_clip = {
  return image.clip(geometry2);

// add median composites of the preprocessed orbits to the map for reference
Map.addLayer(s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf_rtc_db.first().select('VV'), {min:-20, max:0, palette: ['#023858', '#045d92', '#1379b5', '#519bc6', '#91b4d6', '#c4cbe3', '#e8e4f0', '#fff7fb']}, ee.String('Analysis Ready Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(0)).int().format()).getInfo(), false);
Map.addLayer(s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf_rtc_db.first().select('VV'), {min:-20, max:0, palette: ['#023858', '#045d92', '#1379b5', '#519bc6', '#91b4d6', '#c4cbe3', '#e8e4f0', '#fff7fb']}, ee.String('Analysis Ready Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(1)).int().format()).getInfo(), false);

// chart the observations at a single point in both orbits
var chart = ui.Chart.image.series({return image.clip(geometry2)}).select('VV'), geometry);
var chartStyle = {
  title: ee.String('Raw Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(0)).int().format()).getInfo(),
  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'orange', pointSize: 1},
    1: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'green', pointSize: 1},
    2: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'blue', pointSize: 1}

var chart = ui.Chart.image.series({return image.clip(geometry2)}).select('VV'), geometry);
var chartStyle = {
  title: ee.String('Raw Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(1)).int().format()).getInfo(),
  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'orange', pointSize: 1},
    1: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'green', pointSize: 1},
    2: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'blue', pointSize: 1}

// chart the observations at a single point in both orbits
var chart = ui.Chart.image.series('VV'), geometry);
var chartStyle = {
  title: ee.String('Analysis Ready Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(0)).int().format()).getInfo(),
  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'orange', pointSize: 1},
    1: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'green', pointSize: 1},
    2: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'blue', pointSize: 1}

var chart = ui.Chart.image.series('VV'), geometry);
var chartStyle = {
  title: ee.String('Analysis Ready Orbit ').cat(ee.Number(orbits.get(1)).int().format()).getInfo(),
  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'orange', pointSize: 1},
    1: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'green', pointSize: 1},
    2: {lineWidth: 0, color: 'blue', pointSize: 1}

// ccdc on one of the orbits
var ccdc = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.Ccdc({
  collection: s1_float_pass_orbit0_bnc_sf_rtc_db_clip, 
  breakpointBands: ['VV'], 
  tmaskBands: null, 
  minObservations: 6, 
  chiSquareProbability: 0.99, 
  minNumOfYearsScaler: 1.33, 
  dateFormat: 2, 
  lambda: 20, 
  maxIterations: 25000

var changeTime ='tBreak').arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.first(), [0]).arrayFlatten([['first']]).selfMask();
var changeTimeImage = changeTime.clip(geometry2);
Export.image.toDrive({image: changeTimeImage, scale: 10, crs: 'EPSG:4326', maxPixels: 100000000, fileNamePrefix: 'orbit34'})

// ccdc on one of the orbits
var ccdc = ee.Algorithms.TemporalSegmentation.Ccdc({
  collection: s1_float_pass_orbit1_bnc_sf_rtc_db_clip, 
  breakpointBands: ['VV'], 
  tmaskBands: null, 
  minObservations: 6, 
  chiSquareProbability: 0.99, 
  minNumOfYearsScaler: 1.33, 
  dateFormat: 2, 
  lambda: 20, 
  maxIterations: 25000

var changeTime ='tBreak').arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.first(), [0]).arrayFlatten([['first']]).selfMask();
var changeTimeImage = changeTime.clip(geometry2);
Export.image.toDrive({image: changeTimeImage, crs: 'EPSG:4326', scale: 10, maxPixels: 100000000, fileNamePrefix: 'orbit107'})

var changeTime2 ='tBreak').arrayReduce(ee.Reducer.max(), [0]).arrayFlatten([['last']]).selfMask()
var changeTimeImage2 = changeTime2.clip(geometry2);

var minMax = changeTimeImage2.reduceRegion({
  reducer: ee.Reducer.minMax(),
  geometry: geometry2,
  scale: 100,
  maxPixels: 1e9
Map.addLayer(changeTimeImage2, {palette:['#ffffcc','#ffeda0','#fed976','#feb24c','#fd8d3c','#fc4e2a','#e31a1c','#bd0026','#800026'], min: minMax.get('last_min').getInfo(), max: minMax.get('last_max').getInfo()}, 'Last Change');

Results look something like this: ccdc_change_example2 ccdc_change_example

benhuff commented 1 year ago