benhuson / wp-subtitle

Development of the WordPress WP Subtitle plugin.
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Translation does not work (wrong domain identifier) #8

Closed davidspiess closed 9 years ago

davidspiess commented 9 years ago

The TEXTDOMAIN constant in wp-subtitle.php has to point to wp-subtitle instead of wps_subtitle. You should also consider passing the domain string directly to the __ method instead of using a constant.


benhuson commented 9 years ago

Thanks for pointing that out - I hadn't twigged that that would cause an issue for other parsers.

davidspiess commented 9 years ago

It isn't a big issue :)

benhuson commented 9 years ago

Fixed in

hatsumatsu commented 9 years ago

Is this fix available via the Plugin Directory / one click update? That would be great! :)

benhuson commented 9 years ago

Now added to the plugin directory as version 1.5 so should be available shortly.