beniz / seeks

Seeks is a decentralized p2p websearch and collaborative tool.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
267 stars 54 forks source link

Project died? #31

Open Jetro-Costa opened 1 year ago

Bigoukun commented 1 year ago

Seems like it, which is sad, it was a very interesting project. Can't code if my life depended on it, alas, so I can't restart it…

beniz commented 1 year ago

Hi there, a legitimate question indeed! So yes, this project has ended a while ago, "codewise". The main objectives however, may remain valid, or so I hope !

Over the years I've kept a close eye on related developments in search, AI and privacy, mostly open technologies. My personal take as of today is that there's no reason for sadness because both technology and openess have improved a lot. For this reason, there should be no interest in pursuing nor copying this codebase, as much (much) better and beautiful alternatives are taking shape right now.

I believe one of the most fundamental positive change is to come from personal generative models as search tools, see Emad Mostaque's visionary comment on this issue:

This solves both universal search and privacy issues at once because the models can share Internet-scale knowledge (look at Stable Diffusion for instance) while being finetuned on local data, and reshared. Deep models are binary by design (and essence in a way). Leaks are more complex to handle, so not everything is solved, but this is a huge step forward.

Best wishes for the Sun rotation that just started!

silverhook commented 1 year ago

I was enamored by the search workflow of Seeks with its clustering etc.

To this day, I still think that was the best web search workflow I’ve used since well, ever.

@beniz , if I read between the lines correctly, you’re saying the project from your point of view is finished and you don’t see any point in reviving it or doing something similar again. If that’s so I’d be sad, but can understand you. In any case I would like to thank you for a great search interface!