benjaffe / chrome-okc-plugin

OkCupid Poly Plugin
MIT License
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Some corrections and new questions #131

Open instantgreen opened 9 years ago

instantgreen commented 9 years ago

Would you consider role-playing a rape fantasy if your partner asked you to? --> question is in rough_kinky. Answer 'No' is incorrectly positive.

Missing in the smoking categories: {"qid":"87","text":" Is smoking disgusting? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]}

Would you be pleased if a partner expressed the desire to be sexually humiliated by you? --> wrong answer for submissive category

Wants children: Do you have names planned out for future children? --> wrong value

This question is twice in quizzes: If two cars were faced away from each other back to back, both cars travelled 8 miles forward then made a 90 degree left turn and traveled another 6 miles, how far apart would they be? --> also: one of those has the wrong value!

For some reason these questions seem to be missing: {"qid":"41","text":" How important is religion/God in your life? ","answerText":["Extremely important","Somewhat important","Not very important","Not at all important"],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"60100","text":" Is astrological sign at all important in a match? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"299","text":" Do you believe in the accuracy of horoscopes? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]}

Those questions are missing in the oral sex category: { // Added by RAA "qid":"64334", "text":"Imagine that your partner does not enjoy performing oral sex and refuses to ever perform it on you. How disappointed would you be?", "answerText": ["Extremely disappointed.", "Somewhat disappointed.","Slightly disappointed.","Not at all disappointed."], "score": [1, 1,0,-1], "weight": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] }, { // Added by RAA "qid":"30169", "text":"Do you enjoy giving oral sex?", "answerText": ["Love it!", "It's okay.","Not so much.","Gross!"], "score": [1,1,0,-1], "weight": [1,1,1,1] }, { // Added by RAA "qid":"29384", "text":"Would you allow your partner to kiss you after performing oral sex on you?", "answerText": ["Allow? I enjoy it.", "Yes.", "No.", "It depends."], "score": [1, 1, -1, 0], "weight": [1, 1, 1, 1] },

I would like to add a gamer/non-gamer category. Unfortunately the question suggestion feature doesn't work when searching for questions... So I'll just paste the question numbers:

119334 37693 17457 6867 22496 496 16752 37893

michaelpelletier commented 8 years ago

For the Gamer category I started putting one together, but I wasn't sure how to track down all of the question data based on the numbers alone. I managed to find the following: 37693, 17457, 6867, 16752, 46255 - which means that I'm still missing these ones because I'm not sure what they are - 119334, 22496, 496, 37893 - I'll be happy to add those, too, if you can give me an idea of what to search for!

instantgreen commented 8 years ago

@michaelpelletier Seems like I had a particularly lazy day... ;) This is how you can directly jump to a question based on its number:

Thanks for working on this issue!

michaelpelletier commented 8 years ago

Oh cool, I had no idea that was a thing. I'll get the others added!

stn4d89 commented 8 years ago

Duplication of "two cars" question addressed while tackling #144