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Suggested new category: culturally-refined #146

Open stn4d89 opened 8 years ago

stn4d89 commented 8 years ago

See bottom for list of 65+ questions that I deem relevant to the issue. Note that personal biases and a bit of exhaustion impact my suggested weightings, so those will need some refinement. Also, I only have access to the questions that someone I know has answered, so am probably missing a lot of decently-relevant questions.

The thought here is that there are people who actively expose themselves to cultural opportunities such as politically-informed well-read well-traveled, knowledgeable wrt geography plays, theatrical performances poetry philosopher, poet, composer, scriptwriter artist published author foreign films, documentaries musical instruments, live bands, concerts galleries/museums travel, languages, passport, countries photography cultural history architecture, statues, paintings comparative religion experimental with food, music, etc

possibly include all artist category questions??

Should "proper grammar and manners/etiquette" be included here?

Logic re scores and weightings: • attempt to give points for stuff people explore but not penalize too much for stuff they don't. • For simplicity, keeping most of the scores at [-1..1] but changing weightings to reduce penalties • Give a bit of credit for having a sense of humor • Give credit for bothering to answer the question when all answers point toward interest in something relevant.

Suggested questions so far: {"qid":"8891","text":" Do you enjoy learning about other cultures? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,1],"weight":[1,1]}

{"qid":"12598","text":" Can you name 5 directors and a film that each made, from before 1980? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"17844","text":" French new wave films? ","answerText":["Cool","Uncool","Huh?"],"score":[1,-1,0],"weight":[1,.5,1]} {"qid":"416236","text":" How do you feel about documentaries? ","answerText":["Yay!","Okay","NO."],"score":[1,0,-1],"weight":[1,1,.25]} {"qid":"18857","text":" How many concerts do you attend a year? ","answerText":["8+","4-7","1-3","0, typically"],"score":[1,1,1,0],"weight":[1,.5,.25,1]} {"qid":"19056","text":" How many instruments do you play? ","answerText":["None, and I don't care","None, but I'd like to","1 or 2","3 or more"],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,.25,.5,1]} {"qid":"525","text":" Do you play any musical instruments? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"18918","text":" Do you enjoy visiting art galleries? ","answerText":["Yes","No","Art is boring"],"score":[1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.25,1]} {"qid":"66063","text":" Imagine you're at an art gallery and you see a canvas painted solid red. It is selling for more money than you make in a year. Which of the following would be closest to your reaction? ","answerText":["I'd like to know more about its meaning.","The price is outrageous.","I could have painted that myself.","It's really pleasing to look at."],"score":[1,0,-1,1],"weight":[1,1,.5,.5]} {"qid":"110","text":" Can you name 5 operas, and their composers? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"6520","text":" What is the first definition for the word \"composition\" that comes to mind? ","answerText":["The makeup of a mixture of ingredients","A piece of music","A piece of writing","An arrangement of visual elements"],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"8891","text":" Do you enjoy learning about other cultures? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"113013","text":" What's the farthest from home you've traveled? ","answerText":["Ends of the earth","To a place where I couldn't speak the language","To the place my ancestors came from","I've stayed close to home"],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"80583","text":" When it comes to travel, which do you enjoy more? ","answerText":["The journey.","The destination.","Both.","Neither."],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"34361","text":" If you get lost without a map while traveling in a new place for the first time, would you: ","answerText":["Ask for directions","Buy a map and figure it out yourself","Call a friend for help","Stumble your way through with no help"],"score":[1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,.25,.25]} {"qid":"16487","text":" Do you dream of traveling the world or are you happy where you are? ","answerText":["Where's my ticket?","I'm fine where I am, thanks"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"19737","text":" Could you live a life full of traveling? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"1179","text":" Do you like traveling? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"42121","text":" Would you consider voting for a candidate from outside your own political party if they seemed superior to your party's own candidate? ","answerText":["Yes.","No.","I'd vote, but have no political party affiliation.","I would not vote at all."],"score":[1,-1,0,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,.5]} {"qid":"212814","text":" How important are your political beliefs to you? ","answerText":["Very important","Somewhat important","A little important","Not at all important"],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1,.25]} {"qid":"6765","text":" Have you ever attended a political demonstration or convention? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"18282","text":" Have you ever donated your money or your time to a political campaign or political organization? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"1192","text":" Do you enjoy reading religious texts that do not match your own religious beliefs? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"41766","text":" Compared to others, how skilled are you at reading people's nonverbal signals, unspoken emotions, and body language? Consider how often you notice these signals and how accurate your interpretations are. ","answerText":["Above average.","Average.","Below average."],"score":[1,0,-1],"weight":[1,1,.25]} {"qid":"57214","text":" Do you ever intentionally seek out reading material that fundamentally disagrees with your beliefs? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"37845","text":" Do you read the dedications and introductions when you're reading a book? ","answerText":["Yes, always or almost always","Occasionally, if I'm interested","No, I just get right to it","I don't read / don't read books with introductions"],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1,1]} {"qid":"61965","text":" If you came across a word you didn't know while reading, would you stop to look up its definition? ","answerText":["Yes.","No.","Maybe."],"score":[1,-1,0],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"40007","text":" Imagine that you receive a document that absolutely proves whether or not God exists. Upon reading the document and finding the truth, you must decide whether or not to share the proof with the world. Which would you do? ","answerText":["Share the truth regardless of what it is.","Keep the truth to myself regardless of what it is.","Share only if it proves that God exists.","Share only if it proves that God does not exist."],"score":[1,-1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"14928","text":" Can you read sheet music? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"152060","text":" how open are you to new art forms (music, film, theatre, photography, etc.)? ","answerText":["If it's even remotely familiar, it's boring. Yawn.","I'll try anything once.","Push my boundaries, maybe, but left field, no way.","I'll stick to what I know, thanks."],"score":[-1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,.5,.5]}

{"qid":"90286","text":" \"I would love to work on a collaborative creative project with my partner.\" (art, music, writing) Agree or Disagree? ","answerText":["Agree.","Disagree."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"84437","text":" Have you ever intentionally left a book in a public place, hoping someone else would pick it up and read it? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"21793","text":" How often do you try things (food, activities, music, whatever) that you've never tried before? ","answerText":["Several times per week, or more.","Several times per month.","Several times per year.","Rarely or never."],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1,1]}

{"qid":"109","text":" Could you name 5 impressionists, and a painting by each? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"119946","text":" How many books have you read in the past 3 months? ","answerText":["Zero","1-3","4-7","8+"],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,0,.5,1]} {"qid":"21411","text":" Do you enjoy intellectual debates on topics like politics, religion, science, or philosophy? ","answerText":["I love to argue!","Sometimes.","It's usually boring or annoying.","I'm not smart enough."],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,.5]} {"qid":"26573","text":" Do you like going to poetry readings? ","answerText":["Yes","Sometimes","Occasionally / I'd try it","No"],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.25,.25]} {"qid":"28386","text":" Someone you are interested in sometimes becomes very emotional over forms of art (movies, music, poetry.) How does this make you feel? ","answerText":["They are a sissy","It's cool / ok","I am the same way"],"score":[-1,1,1],"weight":[1,.5,1]} {"qid":"34662","text":" How many books do you own? ","answerText":["Less than 5","5-25","25-50","50+"],"score":[-1,-1,1,1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]} {"qid":"34792","text":" Would you be willing to date a musician? ","answerText":["Of course!","Possibly...depending on what they do.","I really don't know.","Not a chance!"],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,0,1]} {"qid":"375","text":" Do you like going to the movies alone? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,0]} {"qid":"403","text":" Do you enjoy discussing politics? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"416235","text":" Do you like watching foreign movies with subtitles? ","answerText":["Yes","No","Can’t answer without a subtitle"],"score":[1,-1,1],"weight":[1,.25,.25]} {"qid":"426","text":" Do you enjoy watching movies with subtitles? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"42923","text":" Do you enjoy political satire? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"436","text":" Does music have a big influence on your life? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"46252","text":" Have you performed in a theater setting as an adult? ","answerText":["Yes, as a professional.","Yes, as a student.","Yes, as a hobby.","No."],"score":[1,1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,.25]} {"qid":"51354","text":" Do you borrow books from public libraries? ","answerText":["Regularly.","Occasionally.","Never."],"score":[1,1,1],"weight":[1,.5,0]} {"qid":"542","text":" Roughly how many books have you read in the past year? ","answerText":["Less than five","Between five and fifteen","Between sixteen and fifty","Fifty or more"],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,.5,.75,1]} {"qid":"57307","text":" Would the idea of a quiet evening sitting together reading books ever appeal to you? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"5886","text":" Do you like old black-and-white movies? ","answerText":["Yes, they're great!","No, they're boring!","I don't know/I haven't seen any"],"score":[1,-1,0],"weight":[1,.5,1]} {"qid":"8209","text":" Improvisational theatre: ","answerText":["I improvise!","I like to watch","I can take it or leave it","Please, no"],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[1,.5,0,.25]}

{"qid":"12796","text":" Do you have a current passport? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"79155","text":" My passport is... ","answerText":["well-worn--plenty of stamps/visas & dog-eared","lightly used--has seen a few trips","empty, and I can't wait to take my first trip!","long expired, or I don't have one"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.25,1]} {"qid":"70468","text":" Have you ever lived outside the country of your citizenship for a single period that exceeds three months? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"85076","text":" What portion of your friends are citizens of a country other than your own? ","answerText":["All or most.","Many.","One, two or a few.","None."],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[.5,5,.5,.5]} {"qid":"23305","text":" How many countries have you visited? ","answerText":["I have never left the country I live in now.","Between 2 and 5 countries.","Between 6 and 10 countries.","More than 10 countries."],"score":[-1,-1,1,1],"weight":[1,.25,.75,1]} {"qid":"84238","text":" Your significant other wants to move every few years, to experience different parts of the country or world. What's your take on that? ","answerText":["My bags are packed, let's go.","Eh, as long as it's not too often I guess it's ok.","As long as we're not leaving the country.","I'd prefer to stay put."],"score":[1,1,0,-1],"weight":[1,.75,.5,.25]} {"qid":"113","text":" Have you ever traveled around another country alone? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"15622","text":" Do you find people from different countries more interesting, on average? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"112","text":" Would you travel around a third world country, alone? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"32995","text":" Would you rather visit a country where everyone speaks your language, or go somewhere where you can't understand anyone? ","answerText":["A place that speaks my language","A place with a foreign language","Either - I love to travel!"],"score":[1,-1,1],"weight":[1,.25,1]} {"qid":"45898","text":" Would you consider permanently living in a country other than the one you currently think of as home? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.25]} {"qid":"12955","text":" Have you ever been outside of your own country? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"882","text":" Would you date someone from another country? ","answerText":["Yes","No","I'm Not Sure"],"score":[1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,.5]}