benjaffe / chrome-okc-plugin

OkCupid Poly Plugin
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Proposed new category pair: Risk #148

Open stn4d89 opened 8 years ago

stn4d89 commented 8 years ago

Proposed new category pair: Risk

Weightings are not necessarily symmetrical between aversion and friendliness. For example, there are risks that are way out there (i.e., that a reasonably mainstream person would consider bat-shit-crazy or total non-issues), so "I don't know" implies a more significant leaning one way or the other. These will need some fine tuning, if we care that much. I'll need to see some data.

risk-averse // STI-STD -relevant {"qid":"26387","text":" Do you bring up STD results/risk factors before you start fooling around? ","answerText":["Not usually","Only when I suspect there might be risk involved","Not always, but I always use protection","Always"],"score":[-1,-1,-1,1],"weight":[1,1,.5,1]} {"qid":"16317","text":" Would you ever date someone that is HIV positive? ","answerText":["Yes","No","I don't know"],"score":[-1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"12560","text":" Might you consider dating someone who confided to you that he/she had a sexually transmitted disease? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"1618","text":" Would you date someone who has genital herpes? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"81847","text":" Would you date someone who has cold-sores (oral herpes)? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]}

// the rest {"qid":"437","text":" Do you own or ride a motorcycle? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"8203","text":" Do you condone speeding and/or racing on public roads (in a car or motorcycle)? ","answerText":["Yes","Yes, but only in certain situations","No","I don't know"],"score":[-1,-1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1,.5]} {"qid":"15637","text":" Would you ever get on a motorcycle? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"36357","text":" Motorcycles are... ","answerText":["Good transportation / fun.","Good for others but not for me.","Bad and should be outlawed.","Not interesting."],"score":[-1,1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]} {"qid":"1618","text":" Would you date someone who has genital herpes? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"81847","text":" Would you date someone who has cold-sores (oral herpes)? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]}

{"qid":"12428","text":" Would you risk your life to save a dying animal? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"17991","text":" Would you risk your life for an animal? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"9678","text":" Would you risk your life to protest against an unjust government? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"637","text":" Have you ever had sex in a place where there was a high risk of being caught? ","answerText":["Yes","No, but it sounds like fun","No, I don't think I could do it"],"score":[-1,-1,1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"8321","text":" Would you ever date someone who worked at a high-risk job? (Law Enforcement, Fire Dept, etc.) ","answerText":["Yes","No","I'm Not Sure"],"score":[-1,1,1],"weight":[1,1,.5]} {"qid":"56","text":" Are you attracted to dangerous situations? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[-1,1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"41733","text":" Have you ever gone mountain climbing? ","answerText":["Yes, and I enjoyed it.","Yes, but I did not like it.","No, but I would like to some day.","No, and I do not want to."],"score":[-1,1,-1,1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]}

risk-seeking //or risk-friendly // STI-STD -relevant {"qid":"1618","text":" Would you date someone who has genital herpes? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"81847","text":" Would you date someone who has cold-sores (oral herpes)? ","answerText":["Yes.","No."],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"16317","text":" Would you ever date someone that is HIV positive? ","answerText":["Yes","No","I don't know"],"score":[1,-1,0],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"12560","text":" Might you consider dating someone who confided to you that he/she had a sexually transmitted disease? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"26387","text":" Do you bring up STD results/risk factors before you start fooling around? ","answerText":["Not usually","Only when I suspect there might be risk involved","Not always, but I always use protection","Always"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,1]}

// The rest {"qid":"154","text":" In a certain light, wouldn't nuclear war be exciting? ","answerText":["Yes, it would.","No, it wouldn't."],"score":[1,0],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"437","text":" Do you own or ride a motorcycle? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"8203","text":" Do you condone speeding and/or racing on public roads (in a car or motorcycle)? ","answerText":["Yes","Yes, but only in certain situations","No","I don't know"],"score":[1,1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,1,.25]} {"qid":"15637","text":" Would you ever get on a motorcycle? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"36357","text":" Motorcycles are... ","answerText":["Good transportation / fun.","Good for others but not for me.","Bad and should be outlawed.","Not interesting."],"score":[1,-1,-1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1,.5]} {"qid":"12428","text":" Would you risk your life to save a dying animal? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"17991","text":" Would you risk your life for an animal? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"9678","text":" Would you risk your life to protest against an unjust government? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,.5]} {"qid":"637","text":" Have you ever had sex in a place where there was a high risk of being caught? ","answerText":["Yes","No, but it sounds like fun","No, I don't think I could do it"],"score":[1,1,-1],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"8321","text":" Would you ever date someone who worked at a high-risk job? (Law Enforcement, Fire Dept, etc.) ","answerText":["Yes","No","I'm Not Sure"],"score":[1,-1,0],"weight":[1,1,1]} {"qid":"56","text":" Are you attracted to dangerous situations? ","answerText":["Yes","No"],"score":[1,-1],"weight":[1,1]} {"qid":"41733","text":" Have you ever gone mountain climbing? ","answerText":["Yes, and I enjoyed it.","Yes, but I did not like it.","No, but I would like to some day.","No, and I do not want to."],"score":[1,-1,1,-1],"weight":[1,.5,.5,1]}