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Switch some cities to inactive/abandoned #112

Closed jj117 closed 8 years ago

jj117 commented 8 years ago

Viridian and Intis are both abandoned.

Fairly certain Vale and Olympia are also abandoned. Kaiserin's old location is abandoned.

CodingMonkeyXYZ commented 8 years ago

Did you attempt to contact leaders from any of these cities?

What is Kai's old location?

jj117 commented 8 years ago

Viridian and Intis are confirmed

CodingMonkeyXYZ commented 8 years ago

Mkay. I'll get around to it soon. In the meantime, if you'd like to pester the others I might be able to include it in the same push?

jezzaindahouse commented 8 years ago

Vale and olympia are abandoned - i can confirm. Carbon, new augusta, commonwealth, hogeklif and donetsk are also inactive

CodingMonkeyXYZ commented 8 years ago

Cool. Thanks.

Also, I contacted the owner of Arakeen and they admitted it's basically dead too.

Aytos refuses to admit it's dead of course.

jj117 commented 8 years ago

Kaiserin's old location - just south of volterra/east of SPQR

Jhillthegreat commented 8 years ago

Ancora is also no longer in active, it is a town under Volterra now